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ok y do people get made about bis


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(I don't want to touch this subject again but if no one is gonna spell it out for her i migth as well..)



Bites, Are you sure you are Bisexual? One who is bisexual or homosexual has been plauged with enough prejudice and judgement to know exactly why it is that they are outcasted. If you have been outcasted cause of your orientation you would already know the reason from expirience. Asking such a question with the most obvious answer is not even nessesary. You haven't gone a long way as a bisexual because you are making bi's and homo sexuals look foolish. I am not a bisexual and even I know why people get upset at them. Are you not observing the world around you? Sure being bisexual is not a choice but i think being willfully ignorant and blind takes the cake. This lack of knowledge of yours, I just....  i don't know what to make of it. I don't know your upbrining or if your from a community where homosexuals are unheard of so you never really knew of a single homosexual being put down. I don't know. I can't help you. You have a question but no little possibilities lined up it's all blank. I can't draw a single conclusion to your bisexual woes because your sexual orientation is the least of your problems.


I wanted to survey everything else but now i've such a migrain from the supressing the urge to go batshit that i'm going to stay away for a while.

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  • 3 months later...

I think Bite is referring to the reason bi people get hate from certain straight AND gay groups alike, not why they get bombarded by bible thumping conservatives. Hate from judgemental conservatives is a given.

Unnecessary insults aside, the reason bi people can be unaccepted by certain gay people is because it can be scary putting trust into someone who could 'switch' (since it isn't actually switching) their sexual preference or feel unsatisfied at any given time. Sure, that can happen to any person, in any relationship, with any variety of genders (there are more than two, by the way), but to lose the person you love to someone and feel like it is because of something so superficial as your genitals being insufficient is a real blow below the belt.

Yeah, they are stupid insecurities that aren't the bi person's fault, but there are a lot of stereotypes bi people have to face, just like the rest of us.

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  • 4 months later...

There are those out there that hate towards bi's for being 'greedy' or think they're just lonely people that fall hard and fast for anyone that pays them the right attention. I've been openly bi since I was 12, and it's all just a bunch of hate from people that'll never understand because it's become the social norm to spread hate and such instead of peace and loving acceptance. People piggy back on what they hear is 'normal' because they're terrified to think, which is what's crippling society as a whole. It basically boils down to them not caring to understand but they think it's normal to be dick...

Pretty sure I got off topic hehe

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