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This one's called Breathe. It's a long short story, this is part of the first chapter. ^_^ Please rate it! 1: it sucks 2: ehh... 3: its ok. 4: It's pretty good. 5: It's awesome!

I got two chapters to write. Hope you all enjoy!






Shaking, I push the bar of the back door's gate open. Tears run down my cheeks as I am as silent as I can possibly be. I hate myself right now, I really do, for all the wrong I've caused. I can't blame it on the bipolar disorder. I never let it take control of me. So I'm completely wrong for hitting my mother, no matter how many times she hit me. She was the one that gave me breath to begin with. I deserved all the pain I got. So I slip out the back door and lock it behind me. It's time I end my meaningless existence. I run, hoping the clothing i put on as a cover-up would keep anyone from recognizing me. When I'm around the corner and out of sight from the house, I stop, panting in the deep cold and darkness of midnight winter. The gun is shoved deep in my pocket still, but my pants are so baggy I can barely feel the cold metal.

"Okay." I murmur to myself. Before I die, I must hear the sound of his voice one more time.. my Love. I want to tell him goodbye. My feet drag in the deep snow as I head towards the gas station. When I enter, the cashier, Sal, waves happily at me.

"New clothes, huh Sergeant?" He says in his heavy Arabic accent.

"Yeah.." Tears still roll down my face.

"What's wrong, Sergeant? Why you cry, huh?"

"Nothing. Can I use the phone, Sal?"

He frowns sadly and rubs his head.

"Sure, anything sweetheart."




I lay on my side playing with my pen, twirling it around on the floor. I'm soooo bored. The clock says 12:44 a.m. I wonder why I'm not asleep? Maybe it's because I still have her on my mind... eh, who am I kidding? She's crossed my mind once and haven't left it since. I miss her. Her mom made me leave at about 6:30 earlier. I knew they'd fought about something. I came downstairs and didn't see Aisa, so maybe they were in her mom's room talking it out? It'll be okay. I'll call her tomorrow when I know she's awake.

My cell rings and i jolt awake. The number is unknown to me, so I don't answer. Still it rings.. someone must really wanna talk to me cause it rang for a while. Annoyed, I answered it.


"Babe?" Aisa's voice is low on the other end.



"Baby, who's phone are you calling from?"

"You don't need to know that."

"Huh?" I sit up. I don't feel right, Aisa doesn't sound right. Something's wrong.

"I love you, babe." She says really low. She sounds like she's crying.

"Where are you?"

"I have to go."

"Wait, no. Don't. Tell me what's wrong." I stand, instinctively stepping into my shoes. She's silent for a moment.


"....I'm sorry babe, but maybe I'll see you again."

"Hold on, what??"

In the background I hear Sal and someone else talking. She's at the gas station.

"I'm leaving, babe," I hear her little sniffle.

"Where are you going?" I ask calmly, waiting for all of this to make sense.

"Away.. from home..."

So she's running away. What happened?

"If you leave, come see me, sweetheart. I'll keep you."

"No. I'm going to hell."

I'm taken aback when she says this. I couldn't imagine my sweet, cute angel in hell. She must be in a bad state of mind.


"Because it's time for me to die. I have to do it."

I slide on my coat and take my flashlight and a knife off my dresser.

"No, sweetheart, it's not that serious."

"I'm not good enough for this life, Eclipse."

I walk out the door and start briskly down the street.

"Will you go far away from me?" I ask her to keep her on the phone. The longer She talks to me, the more time I have to get to her.

"I just want you to know that I love you so much, but I don't deserve you. You deserve better."

"I love you, too, Aisa. But look, whatever happened, it'll pass. please don't leave home. This is just a phase, you'll get over it eventually. You're only sixteen. We both have full lives to live, and you have so much to live for."

"...I'm not gonna bring good to anyone here, Eclipse. I'm worthless."

"No, you're lying. You did me good. You gave me happiness and light, Beautiful. Faith. Doesn't that count?"

"Bye, babe. I love you."

"No. Keep on talking, baby, don't hang up."

"I hope you don't hate me."

"Aisa, if you hang up this phone, I WILL run after you."




She hung up. I close my phone, take a deep breath, and jet off as fast as I can. The ground is slippery, but I keep my footing. No time to waste. I run like I'll never tire out, and I won't until I'm with Aisa.




I'm running through an alley and suddenly I fall. The damn ground is so slippery. When I try to get up, i realize its not just the ice, its my leg. When I move it I feel the same aching pain I felt yesterday. Eclipse helped me get home when it gave out... now thinking of him, my heart burns with longing... I love him with all my heart and soul and he loves me just the same... why am i doing this to him? I shake this thought out of my head and pull myself until I'm under the stairs of an abandoned house. First I pray, for my family, for their happiness, for forgiveness and most of all, for my love, my moon.. My Eclipse. I pray that he will find love better than mine. I feel time flying, the cold smites my cheeks and fingertips. I feel so horrible I get nauseous. It's about that time. Slowly, I pull the gun from my left pocket and a single bullet from the other. I put it in the clip and it's loaded. Then i put it to my temple. I play a game of Russian Roulette with myself and I think of the old nursery rhyme I i used to sing so often, not only when the rain poured outside, but when the rain inside of me wouldn't stop.

Rain, rain...

Click. No bullet.

Go away...


Come again..


Another day......

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Death by deception : intro


When i was five, during my first and final encounter with that monster known as the ocean , a wave swept me off my feet . As soon as i went down my daddy brought me back up ,safe and joyful, but ill never forget those devestating four seconds . In pain and dying to get out has been my definition of drowning ever since, but now it doesnt fit . Im sinking again , but now in a sea of suspicion . This time im numb , and never want to come out ;because once im out ill be alone and forced to face the cold truth ive now come to know as my life .


The next 4 chapters are posted somewhere else , so thats it . If yooh want to know where just pm mee :@ . :D

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  • 1 month later...

There she was, mascara running down her face. The rain pouring out of the sky disguised the tears that she couldn't hold inside any longer. She never wanted her ill friend to die. She never ever wanted to feel like this. The desolation was eating her inside out as she fell to pieces. The funeral was ending and everybody was leaving. She stood in the middle of the aisle, ready to fall to her knees. The tears were blurring her vision so much that she had to wipe them away with the back of her wet hand. She suddenly noticed a boy walking towards her with his head down. The beautiful brown hair was wet against his face and the eyeliner was washed onto his rosy cheeks. She had never seen this boy before in her life but was too hypnotized by the intensity of the moment to even care. He came closer and closer until he was just a foot away from her and she could practically feel his presence. He slowly lifted his head and stared into her soul. She couldn't help but shiver as his dark green eyes burned into her. Not a trace of a smile ever came onto his face as he pulled a blue rose seemingly out of nowhere. Now she thought she was hallucinating. She hesitated for a moment but he weakly smiled and took her hand as he placed the rose in her palm. She looked him in the eyes like she was asking him a question but he didn't speak. Then inch by inch, the space between them disappeared. She knew who he was. He was more than a childhood fantasy. He was more than all of her dreams. His arms around her were so real and strong. She was falling deeper into his eyes. When he lightly kissed her, all of her pain and sorrow melted away. Tell me what u think of this....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Depression. Darkness. Death. The three D’s that enclose my sorry meaningless life. I have only lived a brief eighteen years and already felt enough pain equal to that of seven normal adults. Adults that don’t have these thoughts….raging and so unpredictable. Everything either bores me or causes a deep arousal of what I don’t want shown to others but her. Ah yes her. She was the only girl I knew of that was able to cure this inescapable hell my life has fallen to. She is easy to rope in. All it takes is a bit of groveling and the assumed thought that she would ever get me back. So easy it is to manipulate her. She is so young and with that minor level of maturity come the naïve thoughts. The certain thoughts she thinks I don’t know about. I pause for a moment before laughing lightly to myself. Stupid. Beautiful. Young. The three things that attracted me. Ah those days where no strings attached were so much easier than this. Anyways back to what I saying before, my life was fallen to hell. Raging thoughts fading in and out. I can’t let him out again. He will surely get himself killed with that fragility he harbors. So eager for love…jumping into a pool of manipulation finding himself slowly drowning in the lies. That pitiful man that I once let shows himself in public. Ha what a mistake that was. While he was in one of his normal bouts of crying and pleading with this master of the sky to take his life. Let him be free from this boring painful life of his. I whispered to him. He at first refused my offer but eventually after days of silently pleading with him he gave in.

I was now under control. The horrid nightmares unfortunately were the only thing I was unable to control. His mind set still lingering in the sub-conscious mind. They are horrendous things! I woke up early morning before the sky had fallen upon the presence of the sun sweating profusely my pulse soaring high quite like the heart that pounded furiously inside me. I made the spilt decision to drink the next night hoping inebriation would temporarily stop the dreams. Oh god was I wrong. Before I took over I was unaware of the fact that he sobered up incredibly fast…unlike most people. Grogginess settled in as her face bobbed up and down inside his head. I knew who she was. I wasn’t at all surprised to see her face there.

He would run to her when he felt lonely she would give him a fix of her. Maybe an “I still love you,” or an “I will do anything for you. You are and will be the only man I’ll ever love.” It was all so sick to watch…the pathetic girl going back to me—him. The tamed monster who nearly stole her purity, her innocence and most importantly her heart. Sad it all is now that all those months ago it fell apart and I came to power. I was very pleased to know that it did end. I was ecstatic when it did. I needed to roam about be the one making decisions…not the annoying voice inside his head.

Joyful now I am roaming free among all these women. My ‘female’ and her ‘male’ treated him like a freak, a useless piece of shit even. Now that I’m here they don’t dare disrespect me mostly because they’re always out partying. Coming home at the twilight sun’s awakening drunk as sailors and not in the mood to talk. That’s when I know it’s my cue to leave. I spend long days driving around before work. My shitty job at his brother-in-law’s hotel. The roar of the little private jet-planes arouses a headache most days. Could he pick an even worst place for a hotel? His sister married a keeper all right. She was always there for him…mommy’s little girl. I was the evil one. The one his father wanted nothing to do with before walking out on both my mother and him at such a young age. Sadly the damage that had been dealt was inevitable. Beaten and burned on several different occasions young Vincent’s mind had been exposed to violence as a salvation. This was what began the fighting urge. The craving to see blood on his opponent’s clothing knowing he put that blood there. The fury just boiling beneath the surface wanting to tear away at the seams. With each punch there was little release. Each cracked lip and bruised eye was just another thing to keep going to never give in and give up…only pussies resolve to that.

I remember the days at which he was still willing to fight for her. Those days at which he would stop at nothing to make sure he was the only guy she set her sights on. He did a damn good job at it. I thought they would never end. The meaningless sex he had before her was so monotonous and boring. He was the pathetic one at that point. All the sleeping around to avoid a meaningful relationship. A happy relationship at that. Sex. The thing that tamed monster craved most of all. The feel of being inside someone the rush of the heavy breathing and heart-pounding adrenaline bubbling in the blood. How ignorant he is so ignorant. It makes me want to kill the bastard. Ha sadly that’s impossible seeing as his body dies I die. I’m not about to let my hard work fall to nothing! [You wouldn’t dare you asshole!] Oh shut-up you! I’m truly apologetic about that outburst just now. I still have trouble containing his…raging thoughts and he tends to get the best of me. Luckily I only have him to deal with don’t know how he could put up with me and Victor.

That’s another character I forgot to inform you of, my apologies. Victor is the sinister more volatile version of Vincent. He truly annoyed me with all the talk of death and blood. That must be the side of him that daddy dearest created, lovely. He would only reveal himself when Vincent rode the roofie fix or the bittersweet alcohol blues (Which was usually all of the time.) He would tend to snap at anyone or anything that slightly detoured his high. Including that pathetic naïve girl he lusted after. Pauses to relieve a small sigh.

To explain ‘her’ would be like describing every different light fragment and color that is both seen and unseen to the human eye. There is no explanation or definition of it. She isn’t of the typical variety of teenage girls her age. Her eyes reflective of the grass he mowed for his brother-in-law. Her body like an ancient statue of Greek mythology. Her hair sending beams of light in various directions if she were to stand in the sunlight. Her skin at first was strangely pale seeing she came from one of the sunniest states besides hell-hole Florida. Her shy demeanor and bouts of extreme awkwardness drew him toward her.

I can see why at first he wanted to grow close to her. She was and still is stunningly gorgeous. Everything about her screams perfection, but once he pried his way into her head and thoughts he found the repulsiveness in her. She was like him. Depressed and looking for a quick fix of ecstasy. Not literal drugs but the euphoria of love he learned she never experience. Oh how much fun he had toying with her, playing with her like she were a lifeless doll.

She knew nothing of what he was doing or eventually planning. The surprisingly bitter winds of early January bit his skin, goose bumps arising over his body. He hungered for her warmth, her touch on his skin. Her breath on his neck. I watched on as he had his way with her. Her lips tasting of wintergreen herbs. With all his wanting to pull her into him he held her in his naked arms. Her fingers slithered over his shoulders dipping under his olive green tank top. He felt the tenderness at which she ran her numbed fingertips over his back. His body shivered in the cold breeze. She giggled as she felt her teeth knock together, chattering teeth.

The tender movements of her fingertips and now hands aroused him. He craved her even more. I waited for this moment. This moment of which she would let him do whatever for she had fallen ‘in love’ with him. Only she should’ve known he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. [NO! I loved—] Shut the fuck up you ignorant fragile bastard! You couldn’t even help yourself with her. If only I was there when you made that mistake…ha. He thinks he can try to persuade me into thinking he actually cared for her. Yes he cared but he only had that on his mind as his hand dipped down into her running shorts. Instantaneous warmth of her flesh brought that volatile Victor creeping out from the depths of Vincent’s mind. It was only for a brief second but in his actions that would take place seconds later made her think twice…or so I thought.

This is where I shall end for tonight’s tale, to continue when Vincent isn’t so…unpredictable.

Early life for him wasn’t the easiest. After his father up and left he was with his grieving mother. She was always drunk trying to drink away the demons that ate at her. His sister was old enough to deal with the pain but he was just barely escaping his toddler years. Elementary school wasn’t equipped to handle him. He ached for that missing attention and his mother sure as hell wasn’t about to coddle him when she herself needed coddling. His sister seventeen and secretive had many boyfriends over when mother was out ‘working’. He was quite the annoying little brut. She had no patience with him.

Feeling alone and the early signs of depression began to creep in, at the age of seven. He knew that his father didn’t love him enough and felt he had caused all of this pain and would never begin to forgive himself for being alive. He had loved his sister and cared for her like any father should care for his daughter. Why was he so different? Had his father sensed me or victor stirring inside the small underdeveloped baby’s mind? Vincent will never know the answers to the many questions he keeps locked inside that mental box of his. He’s been trying to locate his father for most of his life. He didn’t really find the need to until after he left his grandmother’s house. He went to live with her about twenty or so minutes from his mother. He finally found the love he needed…but along with the love came the anxiety and hunger. That fight in his blood boiled. I was at the beginning nothing more than the thoughtless whispering for blood. Before he was able to place the thoughts in order I was already stronger than he thought. I grew to be stronger than just mindless whispers the day when he saw his death.

Day began unlike any other as he stirred from the beginnings of a horrific nightmare. I’m not exactly certain the reason as to which he was outside or what day of the week it was. I was just whisperings and those really don’t have the need to know such things. But to continue with my story. Vincent and his grandmother were cavorting along outside when a man rides past on an ATV. The groaning of the engine filling their ears. After he had driven past they were still able to hear the distant groans of the ATV. The inaudible calls of Vincent’s granny were unable to reach him as the man drove past again.

He was completely enthralled at the machine. How the tensing of the man’s muscles chose the direction in which the machine would move. Before his very eyes he saw man and machine in sync with one another. It was something he had never witnessed before. I was all too interested myself. As the wheels drove over the curb but with not enough force.

The cracking of bones filled the air. His interest grew as he saw the machine topple on top of the man. The muffled screams and ripping flesh making the small boy gasp out. His grandmother rushed to his side, but Vincent was too quick for her old and feeble hands. He dashed forward, the ground between the dying man and Vincent being eaten up quickly.

The heart inside him pumping and head throbbing. The deliciousness of this death coursing through his veins. He paused several feet from the man. He heard the soft indistinct pleas of the man. He felt the slowly glazing eyes on him. This feeling he was riding was in no hurry to crash. Vincent knelt knees grazing the concrete. His eager eyes falling over the machine and then the smell.

The familiar scent that filled his nostrils was bittersweet. He could taste it on his tongue. Suddenly his mind craved this scent. He wasn’t able to figure out what it was and it drove him mad. He could barely hear the cries of his grandmother shuffling along in his dust. He knew the man was near death and he didn’t have much time to discover the identity of the tempting smell. He drew himself inches from the machine. He inhaled deeply, focusing his mind on the pungent odor that began starving him.

He concentrated even harder. His knees inched closer and closer to the body. He felt a warm sensation spread from his knee to his shin. He tried to ignore it best he could but it threw off his concentration. Frustrated he peered down to see what was taking time away from his search. It was a gleaming crimson stain that was soaked into the tiny crevices of the concrete sidewalk.

Cocking his head to the side slightly intrigued by the vibrancy of the liquid he’d seen more than once. Somehow it appeared different than he had previously remembered. The aroma irradiating from the blood matched that of the scent he had picked up. His body began to ache for it, to be one with it like the man had been with the machine. He contorted his body to bend millimeters from the ground. Out came his tongue like that of a reptile.

He couldn’t stop himself. The urges always were to get the best of him. He felt the liquid touch the taste buds. His nerves caught ablaze spreading to his synapses and electrifying his brain cells. Lapping up the wasted blood made me realize that I could take over at this moment and whenever I wanted. He was already under the control of the cravings. The cravings in which had been caused by his fragility and sensitivity to the abnormal. The state of this moment made me grow stronger within the fear he had of me and the ‘whisperings’ had already doubled my strength this only made victory taste so much more luscious than the very blood Vincent was lapping up like a dog.

When he grandmother finally reached him she was appalled at the sight she saw. I’m not talking about Vincent licking up blood from the ground but the man’s head almost completely severed. He had minutes to live after the machine had toppled onto him. His crushed body bent in ways she would never believe a body could contort.

Her gasps meaning nothing to him as he continued to eat up the one weakness that had emerged. Until she finally noticed what young Vincent was doing her terror grew. She grabbed a hold of him, he was only a pitiful sixty-five pounds then. A scrawny boy with dirty golden hair that hovered just above his brows. The visibility of his bones disturbing but fitting for him. The vibrant blue veins roped throughout his body throbbed. The adrenaline he was experiencing pumped its’ way through those healthy veins.

The boiling fury of being pulled from the blood made his head swim with violent thoughts. Ones I can take no credit for. Instead of I it was Victor. That was the first day I had become aware of him. I was beside myself. Livid that I had a new candidate to take control I lashed out. This is extremely complicated and painful for Vincent, but I didn’t care. I screamed out. My caged screams echoing in his ears.

He sank to down, completely slipping from the weak grip of his grandmother. The screams piercing his ear drums, nearly rupturing them. I was just a voice that didn’t know his own strength. I should’ve been more controlled since I am the more calm one…unlike Victor. I scowl at that beast who’s inferior to even Vincent! Covering his ears and cowering on the cold sidewalk moaning in pain Vincent lied. He twitched and twisted. His grandmother bent down best she could to try and calm him but he was too much for her. Moaning and calling out for help he thought of that dying man and oh how good his blood tasted in his mouth. As it ran down his esophagus.

The lusciousness of it! How he hadn’t noticed the smell or the taste before now he was uncertain. All he knew at that point was that there was no going back to the naïve little boy he had been. The abnormal and the swiftly enclosing darkness took hold of him.

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  • 3 months later...

This one's called Breathe. It's a long short story, this is part of the first chapter. ^_^ Please rate it! 1: it sucks 2: ehh... 3: its ok. 4: It's pretty good. 5: It's awesome!

I got two chapters to write. Hope you all enjoy!






Shaking, I push the bar of the back door's gate open. Tears run down my cheeks as I am as silent as I can possibly be. I hate myself right now, I really do, for all the wrong I've caused. I can't blame it on the bipolar disorder. I never let it take control of me. So I'm completely wrong for hitting my mother, no matter how many times she hit me. She was the one that gave me breath to begin with. I deserved all the pain I got. So I slip out the back door and lock it behind me. It's time I end my meaningless existence. I run, hoping the clothing i put on as a cover-up would keep anyone from recognizing me. When I'm around the corner and out of sight from the house, I stop, panting in the deep cold and darkness of midnight winter. The gun is shoved deep in my pocket still, but my pants are so baggy I can barely feel the cold metal.

"Okay." I murmur to myself. Before I die, I must hear the sound of his voice one more time.. my Love. I want to tell him goodbye. My feet drag in the deep snow as I head towards the gas station. When I enter, the cashier, Sal, waves happily at me.

"New clothes, huh Sergeant?" He says in his heavy Arabic accent.

"Yeah.." Tears still roll down my face.

"What's wrong, Sergeant? Why you cry, huh?"

"Nothing. Can I use the phone, Sal?"

He frowns sadly and rubs his head.

"Sure, anything sweetheart."




I lay on my side playing with my pen, twirling it around on the floor. I'm soooo bored. The clock says 12:44 a.m. I wonder why I'm not asleep? Maybe it's because I still have her on my mind... eh, who am I kidding? She's crossed my mind once and haven't left it since. I miss her. Her mom made me leave at about 6:30 earlier. I knew they'd fought about something. I came downstairs and didn't see Aisa, so maybe they were in her mom's room talking it out? It'll be okay. I'll call her tomorrow when I know she's awake.

My cell rings and i jolt awake. The number is unknown to me, so I don't answer. Still it rings.. someone must really wanna talk to me cause it rang for a while. Annoyed, I answered it.


"Babe?" Aisa's voice is low on the other end.



"Baby, who's phone are you calling from?"

"You don't need to know that."

"Huh?" I sit up. I don't feel right, Aisa doesn't sound right. Something's wrong.

"I love you, babe." She says really low. She sounds like she's crying.

"Where are you?"

"I have to go."

"Wait, no. Don't. Tell me what's wrong." I stand, instinctively stepping into my shoes. She's silent for a moment.


"....I'm sorry babe, but maybe I'll see you again."

"Hold on, what??"

In the background I hear Sal and someone else talking. She's at the gas station.

"I'm leaving, babe," I hear her little sniffle.

"Where are you going?" I ask calmly, waiting for all of this to make sense.

"Away.. from home..."

So she's running away. What happened?

"If you leave, come see me, sweetheart. I'll keep you."

"No. I'm going to hell."

I'm taken aback when she says this. I couldn't imagine my sweet, cute angel in hell. She must be in a bad state of mind.


"Because it's time for me to die. I have to do it."

I slide on my coat and take my flashlight and a knife off my dresser.

"No, sweetheart, it's not that serious."

"I'm not good enough for this life, Eclipse."

I walk out the door and start briskly down the street.

"Will you go far away from me?" I ask her to keep her on the phone. The longer She talks to me, the more time I have to get to her.

"I just want you to know that I love you so much, but I don't deserve you. You deserve better."

"I love you, too, Aisa. But look, whatever happened, it'll pass. please don't leave home. This is just a phase, you'll get over it eventually. You're only sixteen. We both have full lives to live, and you have so much to live for."

"...I'm not gonna bring good to anyone here, Eclipse. I'm worthless."

"No, you're lying. You did me good. You gave me happiness and light, Beautiful. Faith. Doesn't that count?"

"Bye, babe. I love you."

"No. Keep on talking, baby, don't hang up."

"I hope you don't hate me."

"Aisa, if you hang up this phone, I WILL run after you."




She hung up. I close my phone, take a deep breath, and jet off as fast as I can. The ground is slippery, but I keep my footing. No time to waste. I run like I'll never tire out, and I won't until I'm with Aisa.




I'm running through an alley and suddenly I fall. The damn ground is so slippery. When I try to get up, i realize its not just the ice, its my leg. When I move it I feel the same aching pain I felt yesterday. Eclipse helped me get home when it gave out... now thinking of him, my heart burns with longing... I love him with all my heart and soul and he loves me just the same... why am i doing this to him? I shake this thought out of my head and pull myself until I'm under the stairs of an abandoned house. First I pray, for my family, for their happiness, for forgiveness and most of all, for my love, my moon.. My Eclipse. I pray that he will find love better than mine. I feel time flying, the cold smites my cheeks and fingertips. I feel so horrible I get nauseous. It's about that time. Slowly, I pull the gun from my left pocket and a single bullet from the other. I put it in the clip and it's loaded. Then i put it to my temple. I play a game of Russian Roulette with myself and I think of the old nursery rhyme I i used to sing so often, not only when the rain poured outside, but when the rain inside of me wouldn't stop.

Rain, rain...

Click. No bullet.

Go away...


Come again..


Another day......


Ok so like... I got goosebumps. Now i'm sad... 5

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Ok so like... this isnt Just my story, I cam up with the Idea and a friend wrote it with me. Here goes...


The sound of rain can be soothing just as it can be terrifying and the sound of a small girl's voice can bring joy just as it can bring fear. For me, the sound of rain makes me tense and the sound of a small girl's voice makes me afraid. You see, they remind me of her. Sweet little her. God she was so small with long licorice locks that shined a deep bluish black in the sun, deep purpley blue eyes that held the universe and all its wonders, yet the most captivating thing about her was that smile; A smile that said so much yet was hardly noticeable, a small thing that made her full lips plump and pouty.


I know what you're going to say and I know you're going to think I'm crazy but…I'm not, at least…not completely. You see the little girl that haunts me when it is raining is dead, and has been dead for a long, long time. I knew her once upon a time, when we were little. We were so different then. I was tall and she was short, I had light hair and she had dark, my eyes were bland and hers were vibrant, I was tan she was porcelain, I was 17 she was 15…yet the biggest difference was she wasn't confident and this…this made her very sick but…that comes later.


When we first met it was on a warm August day. The sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I was swinging in the swing in a local park near a shrine in Kyoto while she sat under a Sakura tree, staring at the blossoms that had yet to bloom. At first I was afraid to go over to her. She wasn't of Japanese descent and at the time our people didn't like the Americans at all. But, I couldn't just watch her stand there looking so sad with those big purpley blue eyes, So, I walked up to her and poked her on the shoulder.


When she turned around she seemed shocked, her pouty lips were parted slightly and her eyes were wide and full of fear with a tad of curiosity. I had smiled to her and spoke. "Hello." I had said, my English broken and my accent thick. She had smiled back slightly and her eyes lit up as she spoke back to me. "Hello."


It was that very day 35 years ago that we became friends and not just any friends, the best of friends.


I remember teaching her Japanese and her teaching me English. I remember all the days we would spend playing at the pond near the shrine by my house until the sun began to set making the sky red and gold. I even remember when she would sneak into my room when it would storm and I would have to take her home and sing her to sleep before I could go to sleep because I didn't like to see her cry.


School was the only place that we weren't together and for my little friend, it was indeed hell. The teachers would ignore her and the way the other students treated her. Japanese students would push her around and call her names in English and Japanese. I remember one day when I was going to the bathroom after a long test, I found her curled up under a sink crying and her lip was busted. I had asked her what was wrong and she said that the boys and girls were calling her ugly. And that a girl pushed her into a boy and that boy had a girlfriend and that boys girlfriend got mad enough to punch her in the lip. I got so mad that I I beat up the girl that did it because no one was going to mess with my friend.


As the weeks turned into months we became even closer and called each other 'sister' or I would call her 'Onee-chan' and she would call me 'Onee-san'. We would laugh and giggle at how we were so different yet were close like sisters since each of us was an only child. We were so close and it felt like nothing could ever tear us apart, yet I had no idea of what was to come.


It happened on a cold rainy night in December. I awoke to the sound of a loud clap of thunder, the lightning illuminating everything in my simple room. Afraid that my friend might be panicking I slipped on my kimono loosely, grabbed my tabi shoes and glided out of my window. The run to her small house was frightening and full of danger with all of the wind, thunder and lightning. I remember yelping softly each time I heard the sound of thunder and squeezing my eyes shut every time I fell to the ground because of the slippery muck that formed on the earth.


When I got to her house I saw that she wasn't in her room because her window was open and everything inside was getting soaked. I remember looking about her yard and finding nothing until I stumbled upon her small foot prints in the muck. With a gulp I took off back to my house, but stopped short when I reached the park which was near the shrine that marked the mid section of our houses. I remember seeing her standing there under the same sakura tree from when I met her. I remember the blood that dripped from the sleeves of her white kimono, the way the rain washed the blood from the cuts on her face. I remember how she turned to look at me with those big purpley blue eyes and whispered to me, "Kani…Kani am I pretty now?" Only for me to say, "Yes, Eva…you are pretty and you always will be."


That was the very last time I saw my friend…my sister…my Onee-chan. She died that night in my arms from the self-inflicted wounds. I didn't cry at the funeral. I didn't cry during my days as a student and all I could do was think about her. I didn't even cry when her birthday came along, or when the anniversary of her death came. I did cry when it rained though because of the haunting memory of the way she looked at me. The way her eyes were pleading for me to accept her, but I already did. I accepted her the moment I met her under that saukra tree…..

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is not a short story it's the begining of my book (work in progress)Bloody Kisses

1831 London

I look at my blade.I find it beautiful.Just one quick swipe on my wrists and thats it.The pain of life will fade away.Of course I have to look morbidly beautiful for my funeral.I reach for my backpack. A single tear slides down my pale cheek.I reapply my eyeliner and take out my suicide note from my pocket.I take one last glimpse to see if something could be my last reason to live.After my delays I reach for my blade and slit my wrists....

Of course that is not the end for me.I awaken in my grave I struggle to leave my coffin luckily they still haven’t filled it with dirt.”Alice!” I shout/whisper

“About time. I thought you were really dead for a moment.”said Alice.

“You’d love that. So how do my wings work?”

“You have to create them first you dunce”said Alice coldly.

“I did that already”

“Then envision them spreading.”

I envisioned my majestic yet demonic wings and flew out of my grave.

“Why don’t you take a flight out of Europe Icarus?”

“You know how that story ends”I say as I embrace my morbidly beautiful best friend.

“So what are you going to be? A bat or a condor?”

“I told you already a crow”

“Stay here I will go look for one.Oh and check to make sure I did not forget and thing in that there bag.”she said pointing to an old dirty bag next to my grave.

“I gave you everything I own in my will I’m sure they gave it all to you...”I said to myself for Alice left .I looked around the cemetery taking in the beauty.

“Here you are one crow drink up.”She said coldly tossing to me a crow.

I sunk my newly grown fangs to the bird.


“Yeah”I said transforming into a crow.Alice’s metal wings came out of her back as she reached for the bag.We took flight into the night sky followed by “Jack”





















My first day of high school.How Exciting.In a new city where I don’t know anyone and will surely be made fun of due to being goth.I reached for my Malice kitten doll by my dresser.”At least you will always be my friend.”I said to my lifeless doll.

“Are you STILL asleep Leslie!Hurry up and get to school.”Said mom.

I got up from my bed to my dark “cave” as mom calls it due to it being velvet dark red with posters of Marilyn Manson Korn NIN and Skinny Puppy.I opened my closet to the clutter of corsets skirts boots band t-shirts and several other nameless clothes.I picked a black and red corset with matching arming a pair of black tights with safety pins and my oldest pair of Doc Martens.

After five to ten minutes I became the morbid princess I am.I’d as might as well make it obvious I am a goth. I leave my “cave”and go forth to the bright and colorful rest of the house.Who needs friends I hear in my mind even friends judge you.

“You’re not going to school dressed like that in your first day?Are you?”said my over optimistic dad.I find it weird a dark person could come from people like them happy and overly obsessed with God.

“You have always told my to be myself did you not?”

“That was before we thought you would be like this.And remember if you ever feel sad or think you need help...”

“That Emo stage of my life has been over for years dad.”they’d love to send me to a shrink to get me to be normal or have me locked away in a mental hospital.Again I have no idea where that thought came from.It is like the emoness inside me is hidden in a corner of my mind.No problem maybe there might be a handful of emos there always is at least one in each school.

Rutherford High.Just four years and I will never have to see anyone from here.Where did that come from..Just face it you are still emo.

“Hey you get to class!”said some teacher or something.

“Where is the office I’m new here you see.”

“Go in and make a right then ask for the attendance lady. You need a schedule right?”

After ten minutes I went to my homeroom.As I came in everyone stared at me I find it safe I am the first goth here.Some girls stared at me with disgust others started to snicker.

“May I help you?”asked the teacher.

“This is Ted’s homeroom is it not?”I replied.

“Oh you must be the new one.Sit anywhere you want.We’ll introduce you in second homeroom.” Great what am I to say :Hi! I’m Leslie. I came from Washington. My interests include Slipknot,Korn,Marilyn Manson,Skinny puppy,and NIN.Oh, and by the way I’m goth.I sat luckily next to no one,at least for a minute or two.

“Hi are you new here?”said a female voice

“Yes.Oh is this your seat.”

“Oh no mine is next to yours I’m Ashley by the way.”

“I’m Leslie but you can call me Les or Lely.”Trying to look at Ashley’s facial features.However Her pitch black bangs covered her face.

“Hey umm,is it cool if I ask you something?”

“Shoot”Ahh the begining of being different.

“I see your wearing armings you don’t have any scars on your wrists do you?”I remained quiet for a second“I mean if you don’t want to tell me..”

“No I do have some”I pulled down my right arming exposing my past I try to keep hidden.”I haven’t cut myself for about two years.So I’m not emo anymore.”

“Your still emo.So long as the scars remain your still emo.Besides there is more to emo than self harm.”She lifted her black leather jacket arm sleeve showing me her scars.Some were made to spell guys names.One in particular “Matt”

“I will assume Matt dumped you or something”

“Yeah three times.”A single black tear slid down to her pale neck.”So then your goth or something.”

“Yeah there wouldn’t happen to be any others of my kind around here?”I asked hopefully.

“I heard there are three that just transfered from London.I am to guess your not one of them are you?”

“No.If I was I wouldn’t be asking”

“Point taken.If you want I could help you find them during lunch.”


“Sure!Friends help friends.That is if you want me to be your friend.”

“Sure.Say what classes do you have after homeroom?”

“Modern World History with Alex then P.E. with Isabel English II with Alex Algebra II with Crystal after second homeroom then its my free period then Chemistry with Ted.”

“Hmm, great minds think alike I have all of those advanced classes too.”

“Cool by the way Alex is married.”she said leaving me in question.

“Why would I ...”

“You’ll see in five minutes”

I got past the day just well.And Ashley had a was right Alex is the youngest looking and hottest male teacher.And alas the bell for lunch rang.Me and Ashley sat at an lone table.We started to dig into our pizza when I saw him.In the shadows of the 100s building.Whomever he was I found him hotter than Alex.”Hey is that one of them?”I said to Ashley

“Hmm so it wasn’t just a rumor. Want to go talk to him or did you already fall for him?”she said nudging me

“Huh? Oh no I don’t.. I mean he is hot.. but..”I felt myself blush it probably making me look more alive despite my pale white makeup.

“Don’t worry you can have him all to yourself.No one likes goths here. Well except me I guess”

I stared at him.He is holding a parasol in that shade judging from how pale he looks I doubt he wears pale white makeup.He seems to be wearing eyeliner which looks good on him I admit.he is wearing a black polo with fishnets as armings and finger-less gloves and a glimmer of black caught my eye on his fingernails.He had tights with red suspenders that were not being worn and three studded belts.It was hard to tell what boots he was wearing but it appeared to be combat boots.His hair was so different from other hairstyles I’ve seen.His left half of his face was covered with a foot long black hair while his right had about half a foot the rest was curved upward to allow him to see.

“Those must be the two others that were with him.”She said pointing to two shadows that neared the stranger.”We could still go see them if you want.”

“No I’ll meet him in private.”

“I doubt his girlfriend will like that.”She said as one of the figures neared the stranger.The figure appeared to be female.She wore a corset exposing,in my opinion,slightly to much skin.It appeared to be black with purple stripes and a matching mini skirt.

“I will compete with her then.I’ll wear a sexier outfit when I meet him."




Whom she is I do not know.I could sense her blood is quite strong.She is looking at me.I belive she may be a goth like me or emo like her little friend.How ever I cannot do it I am a ripper like Jack not a good vampire.Am I?Perhaps this is is what they call “love” after all our family descended straight from The Great First One.

“She smells delicious. I wonder where she lives so I can rip her pretty neck off and savor her blood.”Said Jack “The Ripper”

“You remember what happened last time that happened Ripper.And not to mention you ripped off body parts from those females you sick twisted pervert.”Alice said as she appeared.”You’re pretty quiet Damon.Don’t tell me you fell for her like you did with me.”

“You don’t mid sharing her do you?”Jack said wickedly.

“And cause a riot like in London Mr.Ripper”I responded harshly."Tomorrow both of you go to the shadows of another building.”

“Remember to use a condom lover boy”Snickered Ripper

“I’ll remember to kill you”I said just as the bell rang.

“I’ll help you he is quite a liability and a bother.Plus he got us kicked out of London”

It is now my second day of school.It is finally lunch I decide to go to say hi to him.I feel sweat forming on my palms.I have a feeling he is expecting me as if he wants to meet me to.I start to think this may have been a bad idea what if he is the cold goths.And what am I to say to him?

“Hello.I’ve been expecting you”He said to me”oh yes where are my manners I am Damon as in demon.”

“Umm, hi I’m Leslie you can call me..”

“Les or Lely.I’ve heard you in each period say that same introduction.”He said

“You are in my classes?”

“yes I tend to be in the back. You in the other hand sit in the middle.”

“And why were you expecting me?”

“Besides that emo friend of yours you have no friends.You sought me because you wish to be friends at least with me because I seem goth which me Jack and Alice are. And Alice is my Ex.”

“How did you know I had a crush on you?”

“Lucky guess and I was hoping you would be into me.”

“well this is a major compliment you are way hotter than Alex”

“Hmm,well the way things are going I might end up being married like him.”I blushed “anyway are you doing anything later?”


“Well me,Jack,and Alice are going to bootleg later I figured

I’d bring a date”

“Whats bootleg?”

“This cool club under agers are welcome but their drinks are virgins”

“Virgins?”I gulped what kind of drink is virgin?

“Non-acholohic beverages.Oh and if it’s not a bother Jack is interested in your friend so could you ask her?”

“Is he as hot as you?”

“Yes I guess.But”he looks around then whispers “he is kind of a pervert”

“Deals off demon”said a white haired person I will assume is Jack



that is all for now thell me what you think

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moonlight shone through the glass panes as I slept. Stirring from my restless slumber, the light caught my eye. The luminosity was so wondrous that my eyes were transfixed upon the glowing orb in the sea of stars outside. The night air was crisp and refreshing as it blew the periwinkle curtain inwards toward me. Long strands of hair were plastered by sweat to my forehead and cheeks. Brushing my hair back with my palms I swung my feet over the bed and leaped noiselessly to the floor. The linoleum, cool against my naked feet. Sauntering over to the window, the slinky slip in which I wore grabbed at my waist with gentle hands and fell loosely just hitting the knee. Like a skeleton in silk I moved freely as I stepped onto the ledge of my window and inhaled deeply. Not even taking into account the near three story difference from the grassy meadow below and where I stood. I was fearless then. The sky, to me, was only a stone’s throw away, and the moon, just a leap from the window. My arms were outstretched above me, my fingertips grasping a hold onto the invisible bar, which I knew had to be there. Why else would I jump?

I don’t believe in second chances. This is why I’m unable to understand why I was still capable of breath and my heart, qualified to beat. The doctors told my parents that I had broken my neck and that I was in a coma, indefinitely. Is that why Death visited me, and offered me a second chance at life? This is a question that I don’t have the knowledge or the power to answer. Life in limbo is very clear, differing from the account of others. The air is bitter and unmerciful, quite resembling the sky. Cavernous puffs of gray smoke float aimlessly above. All life in this world is dead or decaying. There is no happiness as the faces around you are devoid of anything. The only thing able to survive is burrowing deep within the marrow of the bones, this parasite is what is causing the irrevocable sorrow and pain in which harbors among the faces of these people. They pass by completely unaware of where they are what has happened to them and more importantly who they were. Time has absolutely no power here.

In life, time controls almost every aspect of one’s life, but in here, it is just a useless form of torture. The only clocks are those that are worn at the time of placement. And those watches and or clocks that just so happened to have been in their possession, come to an abrupt stop when the soul arrives here. To put it plainly, this world is made of only walls and mirages of neglected beauty. There is no reality here, only actuality. What happens here stays within the plain grey walls and the empty faces that pass by. Life ends when you enter here, and there is only one way out, and that is deemed a mystery.





To begin, the story that I’m about to tell is neither fun nor does it end happily. My name is unimportant at the moment. For now, just refer to me as Merri. I live in the fragile and unstable world known as un-consciousness. I stalk the slate colored grounds of this land searching for my way out. I didn’t even know if this was possible, until I had met him.

“Hello? Can anyone hear me? HELLO!” A voice erupted, cutting through the volatile silence that had previously coated the air. I paused in mid-stride to turn around. I tried to make out the shadowy figure only ten feet from me. I wasn’t positive if what I was looking at was a man or a woman, but the figure stalked toward me after noticing that I had turned around to acknowledge the shouting that it had made. I waited, slightly impatient and apathetically as the person came into view. It was a man, not a year older than eighteen. His sandy-blonde hair was hoisted to one side covering his left eye. He looked like an ordinary guy, except for his forearms. They were streaked with red trails of dried blood that had snaked downward, and pooled in his palms.

“Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am?” His eyes darting from side to side, I could tell from the way that he acted he was nervous. Giving him a wry smile I replied,

“You’re not in Kansas anymore that’s for sure.” His eyes focused on me, and in them I saw a lack of desire to live, mingled with anger.

“You listen here, just tell me where I am!” his arms were reaching toward me, I took a few steps back and decided to answer seriously this time.

“You’re in the un-conscious mind. You’re either dreaming or…” I didn’t dare finish my sentence, but it had been too late. He had already heard the underlying tone in which I had ended in. His eyes threatened violence as his hands latched onto my shoulders. I tilted my head down, so that my eyes were diverted to the road. I felt his stare as it bore into me, ripping apart my insides as each second ticked by. I kept my eyes on the road below me, examining every crack or crevice that had been made there over a period of years…maybe even longer. I heard him sigh and stand up straight, removing his hands from my shoulders; I felt it safe to look up. I saw that he had turned around and began to walk the way he had come. I felt this inkling of empathy toward him. This must’ve been the reason I called to him. “Wait! Come back! You didn’t even tell me your name. Mine is Merri.” He stopped and spun around. He gave me a feeble smile as he told me his from a distance,

“I’m Adam.”

His feet scuffed against the asphalt as we walked down an abandon lane which paralleled a few leafless trees and a slanted one room house. Its porch which contained a swing was old and gray, like most of what was seen in this world, and the swing hung desolately and motionless. It made me shiver. I don’t exactly know why. Adam must’ve noticed, because his arm slithered around my shoulders and it pulled me closer to him. I could smell the dried blood, a wet coppery smell…one that I had known all too well. “So Merri? Why am I here? I mean what’s the reason I am here, instead of elsewhere?” I thought for a moment, trying to give him a worthy answer.

“Well, there aren’t many reasons why you would end up here. I haven’t met many people here, and when I have come across someone, they aren’t exactly willing to tell me what this place is and the purpose of being here. I don’t know much, but what I do know I’ve already told you. You and I are in the un-conscious state. This must be the place that people end up in if they’re unconscious for prolonged periods of time. Besides that, you’ve got me.” I followed with a shrug. I heard him sigh once more. He took his arm from me, and with his arm went the smell of copper. He was obviously unnerved by this as his hands dug furiously into his jean pockets. His eyes were set on the ground as he walked. I didn’t know what to say to break the silence. I hadn’t spoken to anyone in a while. I wouldn’t be able to calculate that into time, because in that world there was no time. It was undetermined when the day ended and the night began. Everything was a plain gray but at times it would darken to near black.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 1


    I was thinking about it again, how that one tragic night would be the worst thing to happen. "Why?" I told myself as I parted the train looking left and right I spotted a figure shaped like a..... A serpant? With six arm flailing and lashing it made a very curious pose and everyone was gone. I started to sprint the opposite way as I watched the pillers ahead speed past me as I ran as fast as I could. Then the worst had happend I tripped over a broken piller, it's was only the base and as I fell all I could think is, "why?".


   As my forehead made contact with the ground and I slowly slipped into unconciousness as the stream of hot blood  poured from the open wound. at that time I wondered what happend to that.....creature!


    The creature or whatever that was isn't real" I thought to my self as I fell into the darkness around me. "John! Wake up John" said a familiar voice, as I woke with beads of sweat around my body. I was greeted with a warm smile that seemed to be force, it was Samantha. She seemed to be worried I could see through her eyes that this was serious. "did you see them again?" said Samantha, her voice baring that girlish German accent. "yes...." I said wiping the sweat away with the back of my hand, "Sam..." I said with a quivering voice, "what happend?" with that question Samantha started to cry and she answered, "that dirty richtofen has done somthing to daddy" her voice sounded disorted and she then held her stuffed bear in her arms, I noticed that it had no left eye and it seemed to be frowning at me.


    I decided to go back to sleep it was 1:43pm at the time and I had nothing else to do so I did so and I awoke at around  5:30 got out of bed and infront of me I saw Samantha playing a game by the looks of it with those zombies and the box with glowing question marks it was Nazi zombies. "Hey Sam...is there any leftover pizza?" I said rubbing my less than empty stomach, "in the fridge!" she said cursing under her breath as she apparently lost her game, she let out a groan of irratation. "wow this little devil is my niece?" I let out a chuckle as I dug through our refridgerator and found the plate with a couple of slices of cheesy pizza. I took a slice and took a bite letting the flavor flush in my mouth as I let out a unnessisary moan of pleasure and Samantha laugh at the unnessisary sound as did I.


     I had met Samantha just last month when I went to visit my brother but when I got to Germany Maximus was nowhere to be found he'd been missing apparently and I took care of Sam ever since. It was not like maxi to just leave so something was up and I had to find out about it and fast. 


     It was getting late and I was feeling a bit groggy so I had gone to bed and then Samantha had come in bed with me and with a smile on my face I had let the night take me and passed out.

    I awoke several hours later seeing the blond haired 12 year old up and again playing her dumb game..... Still it's a pretty fun game...... "those video games are gonna rot your brain" I said to her, she turned up the volume in return "nope nope nope....." she said repeatedly, she had a song playing on the game as she played...."Sam is that my iPod?" I asked in a tone that made her cringe, "maybe" she said with a bit of a cough. I could easily see through her so I just laughed and gave her a warm embrace and she returned the hug and the embrace was broken by a knock on the door, I slowly walked up to the front door assuring Sam that it was nothing to be afraid of. I opened the door to find a very well known alicorn..."Celestia?" I said in admiration of this beauty beheld in my veiw I did a doubletake for who knows what but then I was falling through....wait it's blue I'm falling through a blue tunnel! What the hell is going on  "HELP!" I yelled and I hit the ground with a hard thud and I couldn't believe what I saw....I was back....The Darkness        

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