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Misconceptions and steryotypes


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I have come to believe i may be trans and here are a few things i have encountered that may turn off the first time consideration of an uncertain individual. The restrictions people try to place on us to conform to their idea of what a man/woman/androgynous person/etc is.


This is a serious pet peeve of mine that when one doesn't feel connected to their birth gender and does choose to be the male they are inside is still expected a few things before the community/parents/etc consider them to be trans. A lot of people seem to not realize that a transman can be femme as can a cis, transwoman, cis woman, genderqueer, intersex, etc. Same goes to butch. You can be ANYTHING you want, so don't listen to those that tell you that if you are a man you cannot wear skinny jeans, makeup or you have to bind/pack constantly to be a man like i have been fed for so long. It's a bit close minded for one to feel they have superior knowledge of another's unique identity than they. With that said, i'll repeat you can be or do anything you want if it makes you happy.


Probably some errors in here, it is off the top of my head and relatively unedited.


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Firstly, your english sucks and I can barely understand what you're saying.


Secondly, you can't 'come to believe' you're trans, lol. You either are trans or you aren't, there is no 'hm, maybe' about it. If you wear women's clothing and are a man then you qualify for transvestite and if you have had medical surgery to change from man to woman or visa versa then you qualify as transsexual. It's simply not something you wake up one day and realise.


Now, that second paragraph I honestly don't have a clue what you're tying to say here, however I'd just like to state that you're equally as closed minded as those you are essentially referring to. You tell people you can be anything you want and that's true within reason, however simply assuming the world should bend over backwards and simply accept you is naive at best. If you want to spout about how you can be who you want to be, then equally they can be who they want to be also, and that quite plainly includes thinking you're a weirdo, creeper and annoying.


There are quite obvious guidelines set out by the public and mass media on what is male and what is female. If you wish to cross these boundaries and define yourself in a different way then be my guest, but do not be completely ignorant to the fact that those guidelines were made by the majority of the population and therefore the majority of the population does not think what you're doing is normal, right, good, or however you may wish to phrase that. When you cross that boundary do not simply expect acceptance. Some people may accept you, some (probably most) wont. That is life, stop trying to bend the world over backwards to accept you on something you did, knowing it wasn't considered normal to begin with.


I honestly do tire on all these topics, it's the equivalent of a rapist telling the world it's who he is and to just accept him for it.

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I agree with you, anyone can be anything and anyone they want to be and it doesn't matter what other people think. You can consider yourself transgender. There are judgemental people everywhere, but never let them tell you what kind of person you are. :)


I want to be a cactus, but I just can't seem to pull it off. Plus, people look at me funny.


Why is that? Oh yeah, it's because you can't BE something you're NOT. You can try, but you generally make yourself look like a confused 15 year old dipshit.

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