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Ok well I'm sorta pissed because of how many girls think their fat or ugly because some dick came up to her and told her that she's ugly as hell, when's she's gorgeous or that she needs to stop going to McDonald's because her stomach is huge , when it isn't! People who do that to other people aggervate me soo much....so to all you girls that have been told that your ugly and fat by some guy....its his opinion....your all gorgeous in your own little way....just had to get this off my mind .__.

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Yeah, I'm not sympathetic towards the girls who claim openly that they are ugly or fat because they WANT someone to tell them that they are pretty or beautiful or not fat over and over. Grow a backbone. If some boy says your ugly or fat you can introduce them to your middle finger, and I don't even have to tell this to most of the girls out there because they are the reason no man would ever say such a thing to any young lady. Because they don't want their teeth knocked in. Plain and simple.

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I know what it's like to be in that position, where a girl can't help but think that she is ugly or fat because someone called her out on it.  However, even if I can sympathize and understand the point that you're proving, I won't say that your ranting will really help.





It's called constructive criticism.



Stop kissing so much ass as once.....you can only kiss so much ass before you choke on shit. The only thing you get from being nice to everyone is being walked all over.  


They have points, you know.  It's a self-esteem issue, which is a psychological one.  It's something that's kind of hard to break.


I got over this by threatening the guys calling me out that I won't help them academically anymore... They stopped.


All because I knew they were failing. xD

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I dunno, I guess I sorta agree but also disagree with all of you. I think the best thing to do is not care about what people think or say about how you look. But being constantly told your ugly is going to affect your self-esteem. Someone telling you that you're beautiful when you've constantly been told that you're ugly isn't going to instantly make you more confident or even believe it. I agree with Remix, kinda. Girls who constantly look for compliments are annoying, but most of the time that means they do actually have issues with self-confidence. On the other hand though, there are people who do think they're ugly and couldn't care less whether people agree with that - it's just how they view themselves. I'll use me as an example for that. 


It isn't just girls who have have confidence problems though. Guys do too. It's just not as an open and talked about topic as it is with girls. But anyone who calls someone ugly, fat or any degrading term in regards to their physical appearance - especially directly to them - instantly loses all of my respect. Why would I want to be friends with someone who has an ugly personality?

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It's called constructive criticism.


Oh, since when "stop going to McDonald's" and "you're ugly as hell" is constructive criticism? Hmm?


I was super pissed off when I wrote this. I apologize for my stupidity.


Like Darling_Kenzie_Sees_Stars said, you have no need to apologize for what you feel / think because a bunch of people on the internet disagree with you - it just shows that your thoughts are easily manipulated and you don't have a proper persona of your own. Grow up and own up to your own opinions, yeah? Good.

Edited by Hiraeth
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Oh, since when "stop going to McDonald's" and "you're ugly as hell" is constructive criticism? Hmm?


I was being facetious. Nevertheless, I'd like to get to know you better.  You seem neat.

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People really shouldn't pay much attention to others shouting insults. Unfortunately there are other issues that surround it. I have been on the receiving end of those insults. I actually had a random grab my stomach when I was 8 and shout out how fat I was (yeah coz counting ribs is fat now) but I believed him. The results from that action were really bad and it has turned into a major psychological problem for me. 

So I can understand where girls are coming from when they believe or are greatly affected by those types of insults (and it happens to guys as well. Its not just girls that get it). I can also see the annoying side when you can see tht someone isn't fat but they cant believe you. Its frustrating to get the point across.

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  • 2 months later...

There are always some girls that have self esteem issues. And it gets agitating to hear the same shit over and over again,"I'm so ugly, I'm so fat." No. Just stfu. I say it at times, but most of the times I'm just joking around. Deep down I know I'm not fat. And I know for a fact I'm not ugly. I won't say I'm gorgeous or beautiful. But I'll say I'm pretty. Girls need to stop trying to base themselves off of magazines or celebrities. Do you realize most of those girls don't even look like that? They drown themselves in makeup to look "beautiful" Or they go through some cosmetic surgery. I think it's time for girls to realize that even if you find yourself unattractive, someone will find you beautiful.

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