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I've noticed that people tend to complain so much that it gets to the put that no one even gives two shits. 
My question why? 
Is it out of attention and you are really that desperate? Or you're just lying?

Or is it because you really need people to help you.
But if that is the case why can't you find someone that can actually get you out of that situation instead of complaining to someone who can't? 
(Not being a dick, just really want to know.)

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its better to speak out loud  than keep it bottled up even if no one cares? x


There is a fine line between speaking your opinions and feelings and complaining. ^


There is nothing worse than someone opening their heart out to you and not being able to do anything about it. But I suppose their is; someone complaining about how bad their life is to you expecting you to listen with full interest.


There will be always someone that wants to listen to you. But nobody wants a complainer. 


There is a difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just like to gripe about the stupidity of the human race. My life shouldn't matter to you people so I see no point in complaining about. All of you remember that it can always be worse and there's someone out there that's 9 yrs old, pregnant, homeless and without food or water.

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