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Is anyone else sick of it?


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I am so sick of people bullying me. They're like he can I see your scars? or hey do you want my blood? I'm sick of it. They put notes in my locker and make fun of me for the way I look. People on here ( I won't say names ) are also mean. I'm so so sick of it. So my question is... Am I the only one who's had fucking enough?

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People will talk shit and think they are better than everyone. Its stupid I know. I have the problem. Just use the most beautiful smile you have and walk away. Your probably an AMAZING person. Its only a small portion of your life :> and then you can live with a huge STUFFED DINOSAUR NAMED REX AND YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER HAPPY!!!! so use that smile my little panda :> good luck

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My whole school carrer I was told to go kill myself, go cut my wrist, no one cares about you, you're uesless.  And too top it all off I am adopted and my foster parents son decided to tell everyone in the school that I was.  At the time I was in the 6th grade when I found out I was adopted, he had told the whole school even though my foster parent told him never to tell anyone. But because I was a freak he told everyone. I cried for weeks and weeks even at school I did. 


In grade 7 I tried to kill myself because a kid who could still go home to his real family told me to get over it.


I'm still here because my junior year of high school I realized something, THEY WERE WRONG.


YOU have to belive they are wrong. They have to be right? Or why else would you still be here?


Stop looking at the world as if the hard times are a battle and the down hills, when you are feeling lonely and depressed, are for suicide.

Edited by Cyan
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Actually i also get made fun of.my family is the worst part. They tell me that i am worth noting.they tell me that I am a disgrace. I really can't even call them my family anymore. It's like if i dont even know them anymore. At school it isn't that bad but i do get told to go kill myself, i get called emo trash or fag and other mean things. It got to the point where I was going to kill myself but my best friend told me that I am worth alot. Haters will hate. Just ignore them. They are not worth ur time or anyone's time.


U r lucky enough to be different. U r an incredible person. Embrace ur self. Keep ur head held high. Never give in to hate. Never stop smiling.

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i've found adopting "fuck it" as a mantra helps day to day life go a lot smoother.

people will still be dicks and anger and pain may still build up inside of you but by finding coping methods and putting yourself around nice people its easier to see the jerks for who/what they really are. When you have a clearer slightly-less- abused feeling mind you can think about what must have happened in those peoples lives to make them that way and actually feel sympathy for them. Its hard to push past the pain and the hatred to get to the place needed to be to feel anything in the realm of nice for assholes but when you do get to that point an almost peaceful feeling comes over you.being the bigger person does wonders for emotional growth.

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Guest Moon_Panda

then get the fuck over it. you say you are bullied. that's cos you let yourself be victimized. those testostrone fuled morons prey on the weak and helpless. they are nothing more then just some insecure dicks. they are the products of a broken society. just some chemical imabalnces and some behaviour disoreders, they are mentaly sick and should deserve pity not hate. it's not theyr fault that the society they grow up in stimulates that kind of behaviour.


my story : in 7th grade i got bullied, so what did i do? i beat the shit out of em'. next day some douches who had heard about it wanted a piece of me, they got more then they wanted. i almost got arrested for causing severe bodily harm. but the charges were dropped cos it was in self defence. after that very few morons have tryed picking on me. and standing my ground and not twiching when it's a staredown has gotten me through a lot.


Morale of the story -  STOP BEING THE VICTIME. go and stand up for yourself. experience shows that bullies pick on those who woun't fight back. but take a swing, make them know they were in a fight and they will leave you alone. they woun't take a chance of getting a black eye, even if they win. it would be too much embarrasment to go to school with a black eye he got from some ''little emo kid''.

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Guest Moon_Panda

i didn't mean to sound mean. it's just that i hate it when people let themselves be victimized. as i told you before kinley, stand up and just don't take that shit. fight back and if not with brawn then brains. 

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Kinley I had the same things happen to me, They actually still happen, but things won't get better unless you stand up for yourself, and I know you can. The only problem with me is I can't stand up for myself because I'm socially awkward and I really hate that about myself. But I know as soon as you stand up for yourself everything will be better... and if not you can just kick their asses. Your an amazing, kind, awesome person who I know can kick ass :)

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