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"Give us the girl and wipe away the debt"

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Sorry...its a tad long lol but its a poem that tells a story so yeah. Based on Bioshock Infinite xDD (I finished teh game n it influenced me lol)



This was my chance, my chance to clear my debt,

The goal was set in my mind but puzzled up like a chess set,

Bring back the girl was all that had to be done?

To be able to clear what was wrong, and that should never be redone.


The boat swayed as they rowed, the rain poured and thundered,

Grey skies and water was as far as I could see, but then I wondered,

Why must I go to the middle of nowhere? Surely she is not in the middle of the ocean,

But we were heading towards a lighthouse, what a strange odd notion.


I was handed a wooden box, containing a pistol, New York coordinates, a photo and a key,

Why must I need these things? I did not know, but I have to do this, I cannot flee,

I looked at the photo and let out a sigh, she was petite and of such a pretty age,

And as for the key, was of steel and signed with an old fashioned copper bird cage.


 I was left at the jetty, to make my way to the lighthouse, the boat had vanished,

Inside was of a guilty aura, I was all alone, and I was banished,

But a corpse sat upon a chair, smeared with blood and a bag covering his tortured crown,

‘Don’t disappoint us!’ was what the note said, I best not dissatisfy and buckle down.


At the very top of the tower, far away from the crashing waves,

There sat a red tattered leather arm chair, within a metal cave,

As I sat down there was a noise that echoed; and my wrists were trapped,

My heart panicked and the metal cave morphed together with a snap.


The capsule shot into the air, higher and higher leaving the tower and sea below,

The inside beeped, rung loud and warned red as the clouds started to thicken and grow,

I was frightened and tried to free my wrists, fidgeting inside the red arm chair,

But soon the capsule broke the clouds and on came the town of Columbia and its prayers.


It was the year 1912, and Columbia was surrounded by prophets and disciples, in an odd tranquillity,

The town floated in the air with the clouds in separate sections, connecting with utmost stability,

The stone angel monument stood in the far distance; this was apparently where the girl lies,

I must make my way through Columbia but a boy suddenly appeared in such a surprise.


‘Telegram for you, Mr Dewitt!’ was what the boy said and handed me the paper note,

I did not know what to say so I took the telegram and read the exact quote...

“Dewitt STOP Do not alert Comstuck to your presence STOP

Whatever you do, do not pick #77 STOP” -Lutece- and the boy took of his hat off with a flop.


What does this mean? I do not know, but I continued towards the stone angel’s protection,

I followed down through the stone walkways, past a dancing couple, section by section,

I was stopped by a crowd to choose a raffle ticket; I hesitated but went along with game,

I picked out 77 and then people saw I had ‘AD’ branded on my hand, soon everything was in a flame.


I was chased through the town, soldiers with guns firing; calling me the ‘False Shepherd’,

I was able to grab a ‘Sky-Hook’ from a man and use it in defence, soldiers’ heads dismembered,

Violence was in place of the odd peace, machinery at war all the way down to the angel’s haven,

‘Vigors’ were potions that grant powers; I took one, murdering soldiers with the vicious black raven.


The stone angel was reached and I went inside, following the narrow walkways looking out for foes,

I found her, Elizabeth, behind two way mirrors. They were watching her! I filled up with many woes!

There were mirrors for every room, watching her every step and move without her knowing,

She moved from place to place and then, in front of a painting, opened a portal to the unknowing,


I was confused and frightened at what she did, the room shock and echoed loud,

The portal rippled and stayed open, showing black and white just like a storm cloud,

When I reached her she screamed and ran, yelling at me to leave her alone and disappear,

I told her I was here to save her from this tower and then to her it was all clear.


I took her away, away from this prison, away to where I had to take her, New York City,

But I shouldn’t have judged her from the cover, I betrayed her of our promise and she gave no pity,

I told her I would save her, take her to where she wanted to go, Paris; I should have listened to her,

I wasn’t prepared for it, she was suddenly alert and there; and before I knew it life was a blur.

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