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I'm turning into what I'm trying to help

Dark Marauder

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Once I started my freshmen year of high school, the fun and games were over. I realized what the real world was and I hate it to this day. I have helped people with their depression and problems throughout the school year. But all of the realization of my friends who were raped and hurting themselves is dropping me into a place I've tried to help them out of. I thought I could deal with all of it but I realize I can't. I am insane because of it. The things I think about on a daily bases scare me. I'm not going to give up on helping the people I've been trying to help. But i am tired of not being the one who is being helped. Probably cause nobody else thinks there is anything wrong with me cause i act as a happy, go lucky teen who never sees anything bad in the world. But sometimes i act so well, i believe myself. But I always come back to my horrible thoughts though. Sorry for this pointless story. I was just wondering if anyone had the same problem or at the least could help me stay off the edge. 

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Everyone is weird in their own way Devilish, doesn't mean it's a bad thing. And I had the exact same problem Marauder, I started in middle school helping the kids, but that exposure started to warp my view. Then i moved and the new school was hell on earth. I went from the happy fun kid to the depressed emo kid in a period of 3 months. I went in being the helper, emerged being the one needing help, and help has not come to this day.

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Helping others takes its toll when done so customarily. Natural habits develop overtime to put more time into others than yourself and at times as you mentioned, needing it yourself, those people rarely view you as someone needing it ever in return. I hear the same outcomes over and over again. In Some cases too though you get so used to reading peoples actions you become more easily aware or things going wrong for them without them directly telling you and forget that others aren't going to be so perceptive in observing your own and won't give it a second thought. It's not a bad thing to just be blunt with someone you have helped and just ask them if they mind that you ask them something for a possible opinion or bit of advice. Can usually know if they will be a help or not just by their reaction to you asking that question before the actual problem. If someone isn't used to giving out advice they seldomly will feel "qualified" to just offer it without being asked or they don't feel like it's their business to get involved. I personally find when actually asking someone i don't expect a helpful answer but just wonder what they think of the matter. It may or may not be helpful. Should never expect to find a helpful response from just one person.


Maybe a consideration, if you find yourself still helping others more than yourself, when giving advice/recommendations or whatever you want to classify it as, relate it to things you might have experienced yourself and if possiblke breifly give an example of your own of where your basing your idea from rather than just explaining with no real reason to them other than it's what you would do.(if that makes sense) in hopes they might ask about yourself on occasion. It may not change anything but can't hurt.

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