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All those things you used to say,

They never fade they never change,

They all ways stay inside my brain,

I try to lock them all away but they don't like to stay chained,

All the looks inside my head,

The beating that I used to feel,

They leave scars that seem so real,

I try to hide,

I try to fight,

But how do you win,

When the demons are in your mind,

They slowly grow,

They feed from my pain,

And soon enough ill be nothing,

Just a whisper,

Just a thought,

a silent passing image you seen,

How could you care,

You gave the beatings,

You said the words that struck my heart,

They turned to something horrid you see,

Thatched onto my pain and suffering,

But don't worry its not to bad,

I'm Just stuck in my own head,

But i'm ok I feel death near,

Its a tingling in the air,

A sudden calmness floats my way,

Soon enough i'll escape this pain.


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