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Dad for gays and lesbians but against bisexual people. im bisexual myself. anyone got any similar situations?

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For years my dads been helping out gay and lesbo friends of his or friends of mine. yet he tells me bisexual people are just weirdos who cant decide which gender they like and im threatened if I ever mention im bisexual or gay. Anyone got any advice for a sad single emo girl with a crazy barely able to speak English father?

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I know how you feel. I've been given so much shit since coming out as Bi. But I've learnt to block it out. If you feel comfortable doing this, you need to sit your Dad down and talk to him. Tell him that your Bi, your still same as before, and that there's nothing wrong wit who you are and Bisexualls in general. Also just remember that if people pick on you because of this, its because they have their own insecurities they're dealing with, and they just want someone to take it out on. Hold you head high, it gets better

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I'm bisexual and my parents are against lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. So I think I know how you feel.

Thats how my parents are. Ive been lucky enough to have an older cousin who was bisexual kind of set the tone for me. When he came out, my parents started talking about him in a bad way, so I know what to expect from them. Needless to say, it'd probably be better for everyone involved if they didnt know. I mean, do they really need to know anyway?

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