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Wanting The Perfect Emo/Scene Relationship


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Perfect relationship?  Impossible to come by.

Perfect relationship with an "emo"/scene? Even harder.

Have I wanted one? Yeah, I guess. But its simply not realistic nor is it healthy, for there to be a "perfect relationship" with anybody.

One of the two people will be a robot.



The lady of interest for me is neither perfect, nor scene/"emo", but Im the happiest Ive ever been.

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Well its perfect if you think it is. Perfect would be that both love each other and adore each other. Thats perfect. In every relationship theres going to be arguments and fights and watevs but thats normal in a relationship since both people have their own feelings and the way they live. Life can get stressful as well.


Emo/scene relationship? Well it works if you both have the same music taste and style etc but thats harder since even though people say my taste is this, and that and this and that, you dont always fall for someone with all those traits. You just fall for someone because you just do.

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"emo/scene relationship" ? Wow that is what we're calling it now. isn't that a bit, shallow? "oh we have the same style I love you". Shouldn't a relationship be based on knowing the person, loving the person for their perks and faults? Isn't it about compassion and laughter and good times. arguments and understandings. getting past your differences in order to get along and be happy with someone. if you go all, "hes/shes hot like those girls/guys in the pictures and we listen to the same stereotypical 'emo' music" thing then no. having the same interests is great but just because you have those things in common does not mean you get along or are 'meant to be". no people who are meant to be are couples like my parents. 


They disagree on things but make jokes of it. they agree and bond about things they have in common  they rag on each other. they show compassion when the other is down they can sense how the other is feeling. Maybe it's because they knew each other since they both were kids and going to school together but I don't know. 


People now a days are getting into relationships WAY too fast. take a damn chill pill and get to know someone. I don't know. 


Have a night out with your best friend for a while see how that goes. 


One thing though NEVER label your relationship as anything other then "us"

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yes. i think the 'emo/scene' population is hard to come by though. i met a really cute 16 year old at a SUBWAY! for god sakes... but he was a drop out and super shy, he didnt talk much. it is hard to keep a good relationship, non-theless a perfect one. the main problem is shyness and where the hell do you find people?! :sad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not a normal fuck relationship? Why does it have to be a "perfect emo/scene relationship" First off that sounds gay as fuck.Second of all, perfect relationships don't exist. They were always be disagreements and fighting. If you want perfect go build yourself a Ken doll and make him look all emo and shit. Plus why does it have to be emo/scene relationship? You understand people grow out of that phase right? You understand that the shit you see on google is just for site modeling and to make you feel like crap because you don't have that? It just sounds really specific for a relationship and you will be heart broken for being so detailed about it. If the guy makes you smile and happy then why does it matter if he's emo/scene or not? That just sounds really ignorant to me. Sorry. Not sorry.

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  • 1 month later...

At one point yeah i wanted one, but then i grew out of that fantasy and i kinda now just want a good relationship with someone i know. And if i have one doesn't have to be perfect, he just has to like me for me and i the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

I've always wanted a perfect relationship, but there is only one problem. The world isn't made out of miracles and we are all not God so~ unless we were born perfect then I guess everyone would have a perfect relationship.


The type of relationship I want is a complicated yet smooth. If relationships were perfect then everything would be boring. It's the hardships that bring people closer together.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No. I don't want the perfect "emo/scene relationship" in fact? I don't want a perfect relationship. You better throw some curves and loops, zig-zag's and puzzles into that shit elsewise I might get bored. Give me a relationship I can build upon, work on my faults with and be triumphant about my learning experiences in the end. I have expectations and standards, and mine require that I walk away from the relationship with the ability to write a decent sized book...that's part of a three volume series.

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