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Hey everyone, I've been depressed for a while, really depressed, and I was wondering if there was a name for my type of depression, and I found a website listing the symptoms of bipolar disorder (aka manic-depressive order) turns out I have all of them. I'm going to check with a dr soon to be sure.


Are you bipolar? If not, do you know what the name of yours is?


Here's that list of the symptoms of bipolar disorder.


Bipolar Disorder


1. Depression: Suicidal Thoughts


One of the most serious symptoms of bipolar disorder is the possibility for suicidal thoughts. In the depression phase, the sufferer may feel so down on themselves that they contemplate suicide. Even when diagnosed and placed on medication, suicidal thoughts may continue. They can be an unfortunate side effect of the medication. If you are feeling suicidal or you are worrying about a person you know who may be suicidal, contact your local mental health hotline and seek treatment.


2. Mania: Racing Thoughts


During the manic phase of bipolar disorder, many individuals may experience racing thoughts. Their minds may be so full of ideas, inspiration, and emotions that they find it hard to deal with. This symptom may present itself in irregular speech patterns. The affected individual may find it hard to continue with a conversation for more than a few seconds. The thoughts they experience may be disturbing or find connections between ideas where none is present.


3. Depression: Loss Of Interest In Social Activities


A depressed individual may isolate themselves socially by refusing to take part in social activities. Previous activities may not interest them anymore. This may be brought on by social anxiety or by lacking the energy to be social. Attending social activities may be overwhelming for a bipolar individual. Unfortunately, avoiding social activities will further isolate the sufferer, raising social anxiety and feeding their depression. Getting “out there” is a great therapeutic activity. They should take social activities one step at a time- slowly pushing their boundaries of what is comfortable.


4. Mania: Inflated Ego


When in a manic episode, a bipolar individual may develop an inflated ego. This is a huge difference from the self loathing feeling they may feel when in a depressed episode. The person may change their clothing and activities to show off to the public. They may alienate people close to them by degrading them in comparison to their temporary ego. As the manic episode fades into depression, their actions may cause self loathing and further alienation.


5. Depression: Feelings of Guilt


A person who is depressed may frequently feel guilty about their condition. They may feel bad for the pressure their condition places on their loved ones. They may feel bad for not being able to control their emotions. Bipolar disorder is not a choice, but a burden. The suffering person should not feel guilty for their condition. Unfortunately that is easier said than done. Understanding the medical condition can help the affected individual understand that their emotional and physical symptoms.


6. Mania: Overspending


The feeling of mania may have financial repercussions. The bipolar individual may go on shopping sprees when feeling good about themselves. They may not consider their financial obligations, instead they may purchase based on emotional feelings rather than rational ones. At the end of a manic episode, their bank accounts may be cleared and they can even hold new consumer debt. The physical items they possess may temporarily make them feel good, but they will never act as a medical cure for their condition.


7. Depression: Low Energy


When a bipolar person is in a depressed episode, they may lack the energy to do every day activities. This may include showering, cooking and eating, and taking care of their loved ones. The low energy is caused by the depression, but also the abnormal sleeping habits they may possess. A depressed individual may sleep for many hours longer than needed. Oversleeping can cause residual sleepiness through the day. The sufferer may also suffer from insomnia; staying awake thinking about all their worries. One treatment option for bipolar disorder are sleep aids to regulate the sleep cycle of the sufferer, hopefully helping the low energy.


8. Mania: Impulsiveness


During a manic episode, the bipolar individual may feel impulsiveness, causing them to act irresponsibly. They may skip school or work to partake in more exciting activities. The impulsive symptom may also make the bipolar individual take part in dangerous activities. They may be interested in a whole new host of activities that they would normally hesitate to practice.


9. Depression: Angry For No Reason


The frustration at being depressed can manifest itself into anger and rage. This is typically self directed as the bipolar individual may experience self loathing at their condition and inability to control it. The frustration can boil over and the person may misdirect it a their loved ones. The smallest problem may set them off into a rage. When confronted they may not understand why they are angry, just that they are. This anger may quickly turn into deep sorrow.


10. Mania: Increased Sexual Drive


A depressed person in a manic episode may partake in inappropriate sexual activities. While completely monogamous normally, in a manic episode the person may cheat with multiple partners. The sexual activities may take place in public places, as the individual may not recognize the legal implications. The sexual activities will have a marked difference between manic and depressed episodes. When depressed, their sexual drive may be non-existent.

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I've suffered from several various mental illness's for a while now, but the last thing you want to do is google and self diagnose your self. If you think your struggling and have a problem seek a psychiatrists help. Its like googling a nose-bleed and coming up with having cancer lol, don't do it to your self. 


Also if you truly are feeling depressed, know that it wont last forever. It may feel like it, but believe me things can get better.. theres a lot of help for depression out there. 

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I am not bipolar but I do suffer from chronic depression. I take meds for it, and it took several attempts to find which meds worked for me and how big the dose needed to be. Since getting on the right meds I've been much better. I did the same thing as you; I looked up symptoms on the Internet and found a description that made me think I might be bipolar. I already knew I had depression. My doctor pointed out errors in my thinking and now I know I'm not bipolar. Only a doctor can diagnose you. Let me tell you a little story about an experience I had with trying to diagnose myself from an article on the web... I'm not going to say what the malady was, because it is of such a nature that just hearing about it could cause some people to worry about it, and that's how the trouble gets started. I learned about a certain genetically caused brain disease online one time, and thought I could detect the symptoms of it in myself, and I got so worried about it that I totally convinced myself that I had it. Sure enough, my body responded with even more symptoms indicating that I was correct. This went into a feedback loop, and nearly destroyed me. I believed my only way out was suicide. After seeing a doctor, and falling apart emotionally in his office, I slowly was convinced by him, little by little (it took months) that I didn't have it. Maybe this doesn't make sense fully, but if I told you what the disease is and how it works it would. My point is that your mind is so powerful that it can command your body to produce symptoms of something you do not even have. Trust me, it's a fact. So see a doctor. If you're having suicidal thoughts for any reason, bipolar or not, it's way past time to see a professional about it. Even when it's not as serious as that, depression is no fun. Life is too short to waste it feeling depressed. And you don't have to. Help is out there and it works. Get some. 

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You'll need to be tested but really if you were bipolar your gp should of have you evaluated by now. A lot of symptoms go into all kinds of sections. Anyways its just a label, dont let labels define you.

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Your wondering what the name is? Well that just means you can't diagnose it yourself.





(Oh just between you, me and the mentally competant, you should'nt ask most of these peeps about it either. Honestly you should have more sense then confiding in people that are known to just pretend and exaggerate that they have depression and are suicidal. the truly depressed ressemble disheveled bums who have completely given up and don't even bother to groom and live in filth and a drug addiction, Not the masscara collecting, spending two hours hair teasing, 25 dollar band shirt wearing soda heads you belive can relate with you. Don't think I don't know that's exactly why you choose to find help here rather then seeking a legit source of help. Ask a proffesional, ask a bum, get a medium to contact someone who actually commited suicide. Don't be dependant on people that measure their emotional status by their hair style, music and the place they shop cause its bullshit.)

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Yeah I agree with EvilActivity don't ask people to help you figure out your medical or mental conditions because nothing good ever comes out of it. If you want to know what the issue is seek professional help because they can explain it to you and get you help

Edited by Storm
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I've suffered from several various mental illness's for a while now, but the last thing you want to do is google and self diagnose your self. If you think your struggling and have a problem seek a psychiatrists help. Its like googling a nose-bleed and coming up with having cancer lol, don't do it to your self.


Also if you truly are feeling depressed, know that it wont last forever. It may feel like it, but believe me things can get better.. theres a lot of help for depression out there.

Thanks, I kinda needed that :)
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Your wondering what the name is? Well that just means you can't diagnose it yourself. (Oh just between you, me and the mentally competant, you should'nt ask most of these peeps about it either. Honestly you should have more sense then confiding in people that are known to just pretend and exaggerate that they have depression and are suicidal. the truly depressed ressemble disheveled bums who have completely given up and don't even bother to groom and live in filth and a drug addiction, Not the masscara collecting, spending two hours hair teasing, 25 dollar band shirt wearing soda heads you belive can relate with you. Don't think I don't know that's exactly why you choose to find help here rather then seeking a legit source of help. Ask a proffesional, ask a bum, get a medium to contact someone who actually commited suicide. Don't be dependant on people that measure their emotional status by their hair style, music and the place they shop cause its bullshit.)

Yea, I get what you mean, but talking about it helps me cope, and I can only talk about it face to face with a friend, for certain reasons I don't have that right now, I may not be bipolar, I just really need someone to talk to, and this is the only place I can find anyone to listen. Without face to face interaction.
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Yeah, I think it's best, if you decide to get past ur depression and stuff, do whatever makes u happy and fuck the world, and if ur still depressed and stuff, I think u should see a professional then, but don't listen to the internet it fucks with ur brain, reading articles like that will only make u feel that way more, you need to ignore that shit AS MUCH AS U CAN. You might feel people are able to relate to u know and stuff, but actually most of them honestly can't, some of them just over exaggerate what they are going through, so if you feel what you are going through is serious, then just go see a professional, it will do u best

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