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That sinister night , a tale of lost love

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This sickness is growing like a bubble of fear, this surrounding ash making me choke and look back in envy, as it swallows me whole in a tornado of sinister black, a mirroring ghost of the previous years. Your voice echoing riddles and unfinished poems and tales of our vicious fights, but a love that burnt so bright..... All gone and now all that is left is a torturous haze.

Seeing the fluorescent shadows of you in my mind as I blow out the smoke from my last cigar, trying to blow away the memories in hope to finally let go, all I ask is for you to let me go....

My mind traces the scars that were left from that night, a dark memory that in scripted its echoing soul upon my brain, like a deadly inscription upon a dark moonlit grave, the zombies stretch out their hands digging back the mossy and familiar dirt, wanting to terrify the little kids on a frightful Halloween eve, as young widows sit back at home and greave. That’s what I did for all these years , but your echoing screams call out at night , like a ghost from the past , you moan and howl sending a spine tingling fear down my back , touching my inner soul , my heart thumping as you let out a hiss.


What did they do to you? When they took you away, your fingernails scratching at the door and still to this day they are there and won’t go away, your pain etched into every uneven and sharp line! I know I must sound like an ogre or a deadly demon of sin , trying to forget someone who was once so pure but now a devilish silhouette of what love youst to be , this wasn’t my fault so don’t blame me !

I knock back the whisky, old jack gives me the kick, a boost that keeps me alert, but oh god does it hurt! It burns my throat as it did that night, as I screamed for hours as you were dragged away, your body limp. That frightful man in the overall coat , his devil like eyes and roughly sketched face a haunting beast of the night , enough to scare me for the rest of my lonely little life.

I banged on the floor and shouted out quotes from the holy bible its self, using them as spiteful words in order to repel his ghastly sight, but they did not work, oh no they did not, he just bellowed out a horrifying tune. I watched as you lay limp in his arms and with an inhuman and sinister growl he consumed your soul , your body shook and your face was gaunt , a pale complexion as you were then drained of life...

My heart would forever ache as I reminisce over the love we had, but now to see that it has all gone up in flames, like a picture of hell I can no longer live with your haunting spell.

I plead with you now, as forever I shall lay, a lonely greying man, a fragile creature from day to day. Please leave me be as I cannot take this fear, I love you and always will, but not as this creature of doom! my heart will beat a endless heart retching tune, but for the days that I have left jut let me live in peace with a kind reminder of what we used to be, so I can be peacefully saddened with what I have lost up until the day of my passing where I hope we will lay together in peace, not some unholy hell where the fire never dies, just a place that is like a peaceful sanctity where we both can meet again, a place where the sun is silent.



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