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Ok, tell me if you ever feel this, my friend told me he has to go to a wedding, understandable. But I still feel like he's just blowing me off, trust issues I guess, my chest feels tight, and I'm tearing up, I wish I didn't feel like this, but I do, I'm scared to death I'm going to lose another friend, and I can't go through that again, I couldn't survive it again. I try to trust him as a friend, I try to force myself to. But it's hard for me to trust anyone :(

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I know exactly how you feel. Right down to the chest feeling tight, and the tearing up. Also the trust issues, which I have to an extreme degree. When I meet someone who I'm hoping a friendship will develop with, I sometimes even tell them I'm not going to be an easy friend, just because I know that at some point I will likely feel it necessary to deal with these issues within the friendship. I explain that I am that way so they won't think it odd when it happens. I'm also very sensitive; some people might think it odd to get so upset (tearing up, crying) over worrying about losing a friend, but that is how I am. I guess it's because I have had so few really good and lasting friends and I find it very difficult, due to shyness and self worth issues, to make new friends. I always wonder why anyone would want to be my friend, and that leads to all manner of negative feelings and thoughts. So yeah, I can relate. 

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If you cant trust him then there really is no point to your friendship. hes not your nanny, he doesnt have to look after or be with you 24/7, he is his own independant person. if he has to go to a wedding, then he has to go. if youre doubting him then there is something wrong with your friendship. instead of telling people on here who will give you loads of different answers and mix your feelings why not just go straight to the heart of it and talk to him about it? what have you got to lose? your friendship? youre saying you think youre losing that already. so talk to him. we cant make any of this better, sorry xc

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I didn't say I was losing him as a friend, I said my own insecurities make it hard to keep from thinking about the possibility of losing him as a friend, I don't expect him to be around 24/7 I just get insecure after going so long without seeing my friends, usually takes like a week to get to this point though.

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