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Remember how to feel


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Waking up, not knowing where these new pretty lines came from,

up and down my arms.

Was this me, or the voice I try to keep locked away?

I smile, though I'm dying inside.

I'm most lonely when surrounded by these strangers I call family,

They'll never understand me or how I got this way.

I don't mean to be such a failure to them, It's just the way I was made.


I woke up, wiping off the blood stains,

And I realized,

You are the meaning of my life,

why I couldn't die despite my attempts,

why I kept fighting no matter how I wanted to cave and crumble,

You make me smile, because you see who I am, instead of what they want me to be.

You  gave reason to my life, I was born, simply to Love you

To show you the beauty and kindness you missed out on growing up.


You said one day we'd start forever,

Waiting, months now, ever waiting,

Helping you, listening, supporting from hundreds of miles away,

Do you know I'm still here, how much you mean to me?

Waiting for Forever, for the day You bring me home

The scars to end, the hope to be true,

This pain to pay off.


It seems we'll be waiting forever for forever to start.

But you're well worth every drop od blood, ounce of pain and tear shed,

You make my life worth while,

for you are the one I've been searching for,

The one born 13 years after you, of all the pain you endured, being ever neglected and forgotten.

I am nothing more than echo of who you never wanted to be,

I live, to show you that though It never really goes away, there's so much more than this.


So I hide my knives from myself, for you I'll stop.

I'll stop it all.

You showed me I'm worth a life of my own, that I don't need to pretend,

You saw all I've kept covered up.

You are the reflection of my soul, as I live in the depths of yours.

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