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The Dark Lover and Firey Warrior


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Deep within the rotting body of the shambling corpse lies a battered heart, this heart is dented and cracked and the monster has but one hope, he offers this damaged posession to a godess in hopes of getting it repaired, she turns him away in favor of a warrior with a disgustingly perfect heart. The heart splits in two half engulfed in flame and half in a warm comforting darkness. Within this dead thing a battle rages, a shadowy lover wanting only to be loved in return weakly defends the world from the blazing rage of a scorned burning warrior. With each slash of his blade the warrior gains more of the corpe's soul and the rage begins to surface in bursts against the family and friends of the monster the only strength the lover still has comes from the tiny bit of hope the zombie still holds for love, it's not much but it keeps the warrior at bay.

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