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My memories are scattered

My feelings have been shattered

Picture perfect reverie

My dead cold enemy


I cry in the dark when you're not around

When you're always gone there's never a sound

You're never here to comfort me

Picture perfect reverie

My dead cold enemy


You're not there for me

You're nothing but a memory

It feels as though Ive got no one

I did once

You took them away

And now I fear I'm alone


Heartless clueless careless

Your compassion is less and less

Any love I ever had for you

Is now hate, cold and hard and blue


I once looked up to you

My loving dearly devoting

Now I hate you

With eyes so red they're almost out of hue


You're not there for me

You're nothing but a memory

It feels as though Ive got no one

I did once

You took them away

And now I fear I'm alone


So I look to Him

I've got no one else

He's got the love I need to come through the dark

The one I ignored while in pain from you

Is here for me

He's Holy and loving and solid and true

He's here for me, and I promise

He's here for you


This hate is reckless

Pointless unneeded waste of time regretless

I could learn to love again

With the power of His strong Holy hand

Please don't send me to the dark

My love was blind, now it's light in the night

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