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The pain exploded ?

Somewhere in my chest?

?? ? ? ? ? The air was boiling and burning

Like flames in a fire

?? ? ? ? ? ? Slowly cooking my lungs

Then it spread to my stomach?

?? ? ? ? ? ? The gapping hole growing

Expanding these tears that fall for?

?? ? ? ? ? ? So long ago frighten me?

The voice growing?stronger as I weaken?

?? ? ? ? ? Blood thumping my vision a blur

Grasping on to this deformed reality

?? ? ? ? ? Despair crept in it's nested hole

Fear of flying fear of dying fear of?

?? ? ? ??This even the own selfish words

That I speak type hear see all mine

?? ? ? ? I don't want to lie to change?

To be so selfish anymore so I wait

?? ? ? ?Life slowly forcing it's way?

Through time I wait for my absolution

?? ? ? My much antipated death ?

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