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Eyeliner on guys


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Hey every one . i just joined today . ive been straightening my hair for a long time. and ive always wanted to wear black eye liner. but i know every one would tease the hell out of me . although some times i like the whole being picked on. might sound weird but some times i like feeling miserable :/ . any way can any one give me some wise or inspirational words that will help me like get enough courage to wear it proudly in public with out caring what others think of me. thank you is you can

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dude....i will tell u wat i old my friend (wen she told me she was afraid of wearing bright red lipstick bc ppl would talk shizz) i said think lik me...tell the haters i didnt ask u whether u liked the way i look or not, i lik it so stfu!!!! all u do is thank them for noticing nd havin the courtesy of caring enough to say something -_-

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Eyeliner on guys is pretty awesome. As long as you don't over- do it. Start with a tiny bit, hardly noticeable, and gradually get to the thickness you want. Don't just come to school one day with raccoon eyes. That's when you get the asshole comments. So, maybe every other day increase the darkness or the thickness.

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well theres this one guy in my school and he wears black eyeliner everyday to school at first he was teased but people just forgot about it. just try it out first and see what happens dont be afraid :heart:

and if anyone does tease you just tell me and ill hunt them down :P just for you buddy :P

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