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A Sad Story (Saying Sorry Pt.2)


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I always feel like there's no tomorrow.

Nothing within me but an endless sorrow.

I remember your voice, trembling with fear,

I can only assure you I was near.


There's nothing you could've done, neither could I.

I've made up mind my mind, it was time for goodbyes.

Bittersweet memories now amongst the winds,

Forgetting you is like a sin.


With each memory passing by,

I can see a tiny lie.

Engraved on those times we shared,

Our love. . .no couple could compare.


And now I feel a strong regret.

And even though I try to forget,

That our love ended like that,

By my own careless hands.


I would like to apologize for hurting you so much.

I've always thought I made the right decision.

But love, a variable as such,

Steered it into a wrong direction.

Our little, sad story.

Should I still say sorry?

Have you even understood,

That it was for your own good?


link to Pt. 1 http://www.emopuddle.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3096-my-fault-saying-sorry-pt1/

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i already forgave you. :) don't regret breaking up with me. i understand everything. I've been stupid, foolish, and ambitious. though it still hurts... i know everything we did was wrong, we weren't thinking straight.. thanks for saying sorry. :) ahm. we need to stay away from each other and from our past. so these are my final words. Good bye Love.



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i already forgave you. :) don't regret breaking up with me. i understand everything. I've been stupid' date=' foolish, and ambitious. though it still hurts... i know everything we did was wrong, we weren't thinking straight.. thanks for saying sorry. :) ahm. we need to stay away from each other and from our past. so these are my final words. Good bye Love.





Hahahahahaha. I wish you all the best in life. Once more I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. Bye little Sunshine! Take care!

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