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Lies that leaded to the end

Guest prettypixxie

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Guest prettypixxie

The lies you told,

have made me come to this.

The love we shared,

cant stop wat im about to do.

The end is near,

only a few hours away.

I really wish you didnt leave,

but have the guts to stay.

I loved you with all my heart,

but I guess that didnt matter

cause you still made it shatter.

Leaving a giant hole in my chest,

making it so hard to breath.

All the lies you told, all the things you said,

and caused me to know that this is my end.

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Guest prettypixxie

well i told you everything, some things i shouldnt have. but i did, cause i thought you really did love me, but that turned out to be a lie. so im sorry you had to lie to me. im sorry that youll never realize wat you did. and im sorry that you nothing but a true and honest boy. a heart breaking, chest stomping, girl playing boy. have fun with your life, cause im out. peace >.>

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u told me, i asked wat of u!!!!u never asked me anything it seems as though i was carrying the weight u think i played with u i loved u possibley more than GOD, and thats why i had to there were no proof that u ever loved God u told me urself u were believing less and less, im srry Alex but we have nothing in common beside the fact that we loved each other, and truly that was blind love

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Guest prettypixxie

watever im done. and i told you i was turning my life around, and if you were ever paying attention to the messages i was sending you, you would know damn good and well that i was recommiting my life, but honestly you didnt care, so im done with you, im washing my hands so i dont get hurt again

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Guest prettypixxie

ok i never said that, i just said i dont wanna get hurt, ive been hurt to mant times in the last year, and im just tired of it. i told you i never wanted to loose you and i meant that, why do you think im tripping out so bad?

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