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Thinking of You


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Thinking of You



[align=center]Oh, how I wish to be with you,

Yes that?s what I want to do,

This promise may be broken,

But take this love as a token.


Please know I tried,

Don?t think I just lied,

I really wanted to be there,

But life just isn?t always fair.


I lost the battle inside me,

And I need to be set free,

But you?re all I?m thinking of,

I tell you this is love.


Alas, all I can say now is ?I?m sorry?.[/align]



~Caleb?s 17th birthday,

The day he joins Hell march,

I pray for thee,

Knowing that I love thee,

Please march to the gates of Heaven not Hell,

Find your way home,

Thinking of you. ~[/align]

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