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andy beirsack FAKE!


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Guest Emo4Lyf

It happens. I don't really care that much personally since how you look shouldn't really matter all that much for being friends, however I do know a lot of other people care and get iffy about it so people pretending to be someone they aren't tend to get a hard poke from me. I could give stories but I've been here too long and met too many to account them all ^^ however the handful that create over 10 fake accounts and argue between their own accounts are pretty funny.


I support that people shouldn't put up fake pics... and that they may use that fake identity to trick people (which isn't good), however you really shouldn't care so much. It's just a pic?

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I guess I don't really care about fakes on here. I've seen tons of people using pictures of Brookelle Bone or some other weird well-known scene queen, claiming it's them. Since most of the time I can tell they're fake, then, a ha ha...joke's on them c;


The only fake story I've got is that this one chick I know claimed people were faking her...and she made the accounts. Then she faked me - wtf. I'm not pretty enough to fake. xP

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I pity them for thinking that we will like them any better because of their picture, like it will change their personality aswell. Other than that as long as you know then there is no problem, they will learn one day that looks are are subjective to peoples taste. ♥

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There are a lot of fakes on this site. I personally really dislike it when someone fakes. Most of the time I have no interest in ever really making friends with them, but sometimes the people that are faking are actually really nice people.


What bother's me is that they would deny it and use other peoples pictures because he/she think's that I'm shallow enough to not be friends with people that aren't conventionally attractive or w/e. I guess it's just the whole trust issue and that they wouldn't trust you enough, plus I hate being lied to.


Aside from all that, for the person being faked I can imagine it's really annoying having people pretend to be you and probably do things under your name and image that you would never consent to or even think of doing.

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Gah I see fakes everyday of my life. But hey, I don't know that person and I have no right to judge their actions. Though my friend Tori pretends to be emo for the hell of it, and everyone else except me gets pissy about it. I can see where they come from though, it's almost like they're rubbing it in your face a bit, being emo. What really gets me are the people that put other people down for being who they are because they feel sorry for themselves. It sucks really, since I've recently been bullied for the way I act and dress. Honestly, don't let anyone call you fake. You and you alone know who you are. If you don't then they sure don't either. I won't say they act like that to get attention because that's not always the case. What I will say is that people are always changing so maybe in a sense, there are no real fakes. Besides the ones who use fake identities. We as humans, just need to deal with it, through the anger and pain. Those people will be part of the past soon enough. That's how I look at life ^_^

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