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Straight girl supporting gay pride <3

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sooo,i am straight,but i have a rainbow coffee cup,and since i have a lot of gay,bi,lesbian friends i decided to paint gay pride on it.Im wondering if its wrong to support my friends and gay people in general just because im straight,my family thinks i shouldnt support them because i am straight.I dont really know......im not going to stop supporting my friends either way.and obviously i have nothing against peoples sexuality,it just my family and hypocrytical people putting doubt in my mind,and i need to know its not wrong to support them even tho i am straight.

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I may not be straight but Im getting really sick of hearing about all of this gay pride shit. It is so annoying.


I agree completely. People are hoisting the sodomite flag because it's become more of a status symbol than a gesture of support.


Fucking pigs.

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Guest Emo4Lyf


I like the way he explains it...


Almost perfect explanation of my thoughts too there, though often I blame the stupidity of people buying into the pride aspect as opposed to the 'world' - I think he's just trying to avoid abuse since the 'world' is essentially just people too, specifically including those watching his video.


Secondly the end 'god bless you' and reference to god loving the video this is in response too. No. I'm not religious and don't care for such matters but you can't believe in a religion, then violate it then expect the deity of that religion to have your back in any way whatsoever.

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Right, im also supporting my friend in Jail, even though he Killed a whole family...


Point being? Nothing wrong with that either. And I know what you guys are getting at with the whole gay pride thing. It's shit that anyone gets persecuted/discriminated for sexual preference, race, nationality, gender etc but that's the world we live in. Shit happens, but it's better if someone has your back :3

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Point being? Nothing wrong with that either. And I know what you guys are getting at with the whole gay pride thing. It's shit that anyone gets persecuted/discriminated for sexual preference, race, nationality, gender etc but that's the world we live in. Shit happens, but it's better if someone has your back :3


No my friend is not gay, but he finds pleasure In killing, he has Some high thirst for blood....so even if he is rejected in society Im supporting him, i mean thats who and how he is, No one should change or Judge him.

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Guest Emo4Lyf



No my friend is not gay, but he finds pleasure In killing, he has Some high thirst for blood....so even if he is rejected in society Im supporting him, i mean thats who and how he is, No one should change or Judge him.


I truly hope you are never in a position of power because this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

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I truly hope you are never in a position of power because this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.


Aw Do not Judge me or my friend Boy, he kills only people who want to die with their permission....so he is not hurting anyone against their will. I mean these people Should be free and do whatever they want as long as they do not hurts others like Gays.

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Aw Do not Judge me or my friend Boy, he kills only people who want to die with their permission....so he is not hurting anyone against their will. I mean these people Should be free and do whatever they want as long as they do not hurts others like Gays.


So what's your friends name and what jail's he in then?


not even sure if idiot or sarcastic

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okies,i know there is nothing wrong with supporting gay pride,but why is everyone acting like shouldnt fucking do it,i am atumatically going to hell according to my family just because i am supportive.......


Jesus are you blind?


They're saying that they hate gay 'pride' not because homosexuality is a bad thing, but because it shouldn't need to be a big deal. It should just be another one of those things, like whether you prefer coffee or tea. It shouldn't need support because there shouldn't be any cause for people to feel upset about their sexuality.

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Guest Emo4Lyf

okies,i know there is nothing wrong with supporting gay pride,but why is everyone acting like shouldnt fucking do it,i am atumatically going to hell according to my family just because i am supportive.......


Well... you are. Hell is a religious concept - Christianity. Homosexuality goes against Christian beliefs. If you believe in God Christianity etc... then yes, that would mean your destination is hell (it would also be the belief of any Christians around you that you will be doing so).

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  • 2 weeks later...

i recently just done a speech on gay marriage...i hate speeches but yeah have to do it :/


To start with what is marriage?

Marriage is a choice between two people to commit their love and lives to one another. Not many people can go that far with marriage because there are always complications if the two people split up and also financial difficulties in some areas. But marriage is a beautiful thing to have with another person. Marriage has always been out there, all throughout history. Many rulers were married; many every day to day people were married, even people whose family members didn’t want them to marry a certain person went onto marriage because they loved that person so much that they didn’t care what other people thought. Marriage is a symbol of great commitment, trust and loyalty. Who wouldn’t want that? Who wouldn’t want to be with a person that they loved dearly for the rest of their life? Who wouldn’t want to go just that step further to express how much they loved that other person? Would you go that step further, that step further of great commitment and loyalty to your lover?


But what if?

What if you were told that you couldn’t love someone as much as you could? What if people came up to you personally, to your face, and told you that you could not marry the one you loved? How would you feel? Would you burst out with anger? Would you except that your life with your lover is just a fantasy? What would you do? How would you feel about people telling you, you weren’t allowed to take that extra step of commitment? There are many people out there who are confronted by people telling them that they are not allowed to go into marriage. Telling them that they will never be able to marry the person they love. People taking control of who you can and cannot love, taking control of your personal choices, taking control of what is rightfully yours and yours only. How would you feel if your rights were taken away from you? Would you feel helpless, distraught, angry, infuriated that you could not decide for yourself, that other people had the right to tell you what not and what not to do? You would feel helpless and that life was against you. Even though there is a small percentage of Australians who are homosexual, that doesn’t mean we can treat them differently. There is an estimation of 2.5% of males and 2.2% of females who self-identified themselves of being attracted to the same sex.



It is human nature to be attracted to other people, whether it’s being attracted to the same sex or the opposite sex. But in our society today, your sexuality can change the way people treat you. Some people just have a problem with people who might be gay, lesbian or bi-sexual. They may be a hardcore religious follower and believe that all people must be attracted to the opposite sex. Some say that your sexuality defines who you are, but I think it is your personality and what is inside that defines who you are. Sexuality is only a section of who you are, but it shall never define who you are. Everyone has a sexuality, everyone is attracted to other people so why should it be the reason why some people disrespect you?



Love can be a hurtful thing, but also a magical feeling. Everyone has loved someone and still loves someone. It’s just that feeling we can’t help but feel towards other people, whether it’s unconditional, friendship or actually being in love. We can’t help loving people, it’s just our nature. We’re all human beings and all human beings love. Some people fall for the opposite sex and some fall for the same sex. It doesn’t matter who we love as long as we are happy. Love is love and we should all respect that even if its two people of the same sex. If we fall for someone, it isn’t our fault so why should people criticize other people for loving who they fell for. Some people think it is wrong for someone to love another of the same sex, but why should they care? We fall in love with people for a reason.


Same sex marriage

In many countries, same sex marriage is illegal and I think this is ridiculous. A poll was held in June in Australia and the results found out that sixty percent of Australians supported gay-marriage. Then the figure was increased to seventy-one percent of people under thirty-five and seventy-four percent of people under twenty-five supported gay-marriage. If the numbers are so high, then why is it illegal? If this is a problem for religious people, I think they need to go back and learn history. All throughout history there has been homosexuals, even religious homosexuals. An example of a religious gay couple is St Serge and St Bacchus who were Roman soldiers and became Christian martyrs. They were considered particularly close but around this time, the 10th century saints were paired. St Serge was described as ‘sweet companion and lover’ of St Bacchus, in other words they were a homosexual couple and they celebrated their love by marriage. . Professor John Boswell has discovered that there were Christian gay marriages as late as the 18th century. If there were same-sex marriages hundreds of years ago, then why is it a problem now? It shouldn’t be. It should be legal.


The Psychobiology Of Sex Orientation

There has been scientific research done to find out why people are attracted to the same sex. According to scientists the hormonal theory of sexuality holds that, just the exposure to certain hormones can play a large role in the sexual differentiation. Differences in the brain structure that come about hormones and genes interacting on the developing brain cells are believed to be the basis of sex differences in many behaviours, which includes the sexual orientation. A study undertaken by Garcia-Falgueras and Swabb suggest that "In humans, the main mechanism responsible of sexual identity and orientation involves a direct effect of testosterone on the developing brain.” The authors say that the organs are distinguished first and then the brain is sexually distinguished. They also said, "under the influence, mainly, of sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone on the developing brain cells and under the presence of different genes as well . . . . The changes brought about in this stage are permanent... sexual differentiation of the brain is not caused by hormones alone, even though they are very important for gender identity and sexual orientation.” In the USA there have been psychotherapy sessions to try and change the sexual orientation of homosexuals to make them straight. This type of theory has just been banned because of the side effects of patients. Some have been known to be diagnosed with depression from guilt, and some have even committed suicide. Why should we try and change people? People are born the way they are and we don’t have the right to change who they are. They are who they are for a reason and they should stay like that.


We marry people because we love them. Why should we get told that we can’t love and marry someone? Having that affection for someone is very special and people like to express it with marriage. Why is it so hard for people to see that loving and marrying someone, whether it’s a male and male or a female and a female is so wrong? Do you think it’s wrong?

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