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Meanings of emo..


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I don't understand why some ppl claim taht the term "emo" describes only a genre of music. Looking at etymology of this word we can see that the use of "emo" as shortened form of "emotional" was its first and basic use. If we apply it to music it doesn't lose the first meaning. Then there was also a kind of social movement connected with emocore scenes.

I understand that someone may not treat it as a subculture. Personally I treat it rather as subgenre of hardcore.. And also some attitude in this case, maybe even influence emotions have on lifestyles. But not recognizing emo as subculture doesn't mean that "genre of music" is the only meaning. And that ppl cannot be called emo from "emotional" or "connected with the genre/ movement".

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I'll say it again and again: it's STUPID to think it's only a genre of music cause the name for this genre was TAKEN FROM a word that ALREADY HAD other meaning. So even for this one reason it shouldn't be limited so much by pseudo-experts who wants to "be more true" according to their stupid "rules of being true" and "rules of what to say". muahahhahaha!

It is my understanding and I won't limit it only to one interpretation chosen by some of emo fans (especially scenesters that I'm not).

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Yeah I'm totally pissed off with this cliche repeated so often recently but invented only a few years ago by some scenes who wanted to be recognised. Then it was to some extend misinterpreted and now is widely used by neo-kids spending too much time searching through blogs of 15-years-old "so true scene queens".

Then scenes say it's their music. Well if it's "their", they had probably invented it almost 20 years before they appeared. Congrats. ^ ^ Yeah their relations are very clear and reliable. No chance to create gossips. Especially after alcohol >D In addition scenes listen mostly to post-hardcore that has usually little in common with old good hardcore.

If you said to punks that scenes come from hc. punk, they'd laugh at you. (Scenes achieved their aim, they're distinguished).

If you said it about emo half of punks would laugh.

So what is the reason why I am the only "emoish" person in my city who is respected in punk enviroments? (I'm not any label though)

Emotional hardcore is no longer punk as it is understood literally. It comes with slightly different attitudes. But it is not scene.

My frind once said in some context: "it looks like from times when hardcore had a class". And he was right. Once it had.

Now the whole phenomenon is marginalised and almost dead under attack of empty pseudo-followers.


Another reason:


When I say neo-visual it not make words such as neo-classical or neo-gothic invalid. They're still have their meaning.

So if emo means emotional then it means this. Even if it is APPLIED to create the name for music genre.

Who would not understand this should be called stupid and limited but I don't want to humiliate anyone. Just encourage to think.

You can stay with your poit of view of course.


But I won't change mine just to make you think I'm "true". I'm not this kind. "My emo" was rebellious not comformistic. Had sth to say. Something more than complaining about broken hearts and bullying at school in 1000 similar songs.




Uhhh -.-"

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Haha ^ ^ I can even draw a tree of meanings that includes their developement as I see it.

And genre of music won't be at first place there.


It's sad that it can hardly be named "a discussion"

I am giving arguments based on linguistic analysis, historical facts, social and cultural research... Where are yours?

I see only a slavishly repeated phrase that I've heard hundred times.

I don't buy it.

Go and try to sell it somewhere else. "Dark-barbies" from primary (or even secondary) schools would be interested. *-^


(Anyway don't be angry cause I construct my statements so strongly. I don't condemn other understandings. Think what you want and be happy with it)

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This argument again -.-


I could be wrong here but under your logic if a get a group of people and tell them a tree is called a fish, fish then can mean tree?


Emo has been associated with a stereotype that includes being particularly emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angst-ridden.[128][129][130] It has also been associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.


Emo is associated


Emo (11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png/ˈm/) is a style of rock music characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics.


Emo is


Even Wikipedia is on my side, lol

Edited by (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・
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Emo is shortened form of "emotional hardcore". And can also be treated as shortened form of "emotional". Emotional has wider meaning than emotional + hardcore. And name of the genre is taken from hardcore that is emotional = hardcore that is emo. :D


"if a get a group of people and tell them a tree is called a fish, fish then can mean tree?" -yes.

because the group will understand it this way so in their language word "fish" will mean a concept of tree. However weird may it sound to us. but this is how human language works.


Lets add another phenomenon which is called "neologism". It includes not only creation of new words but also swifts in meanings.


I'm philology student ^-^" I could write an academic piece on the meanings of emo cause I'm interested in the phenomenon. Well I'm not trying to offend you and ppl with different points but I'm getting used to analysing everything this way and defending my points using results of my study. *-^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong. I think it's jus going to be one of those things that is opinion based. It's like pointing at something and saying "Hey, that color is blue." Yeah, you're right, it's blue, but to me it looks more like a baby blue.
If that makes sense.
Generalized, you're right. Emo is derived for the overly emotional. And you're right, Emo is a subgenre of music.
Both calling it blue, jus one is saying cyan, the other is saying cerulean.

You can look at it at any angle you desire. It isn't like there is a specific right or wrong answer.



This argument again -.-

I could be wrong here but under your logic if a get a group of people and tell them a tree is called a fish, fish then can mean tree?

Emo is associated

Emo is

Even Wikipedia is on my side, lol

Your reply is driving me nuts. Did you know that back in the 80's, the Goths were the ones associated with self-mutilation and suicidal tendencies? Emo is NOT an original thing. At all. If anything, it's what the Goths were in the 80's. Ok. Now I feel better.

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Inb4 Amii reafirms that "emo" is a genre of music. :]


That is because emo is just a genre of music.




In the name of fucking hell


uses it as short for "Emotional"


"Yeah, the funeral was last Friday. Poor Jesse was so emo about it."



Its a genre of music, NOTHING more.....this discussion isn't needed.




If that kid can be emo, I want to be dubstep :< 




That sounds stupid, doesn't it ?



I'll say it again and again: it's STUPID to think it's only a genre of music cause the name for this genre was TAKEN FROM a word that ALREADY HAD other meaning. 

Emo music tends to be emotional. It's the lyrics. But okay, let's go with your logic. 


Is it stupid to think that I can dress pop ?


I mean, pop is soda. 


Pop is a genre of music. 


Can I dress pop ?


It has one meaning and one meaning only. Its a genre of music. Everything else is stereotypical bullshit. And its sad this is even a damn discussion.

Thank you. 

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It should work on the same pattern as genres it's derived from so punk then hardcore not pop or dubstep. Maybe. This is one theory. Another is that ppl decided what they understand by this. You have little to say now.
I think the most important is to understand the phenomena and how it works.
Then you won't label yourself and at the same time you wouldn't think you are the only rirht person better than anyone else with different opinion just because you can slavishly repeat some phrases and maybe name some bands from mainstream "alternative" additionally. (I say it to all such ppl)

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