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do your parents like your style?


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My parents tell me to be a normal child and stop listening to screamo and punk music and i just dont listen to them. I mean yeah they hate my style but i dont give a fuck, this is me and im not gonna change for anyone. 

Same I won't change even for the person I care most about I don't want to lose him but if he doesn't except me for who I am then I guess it has to be like that.

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Meh. My parents don't care. I wear what I want and listen to what I want. I remember my mom didnt want me wearing skinny jeans in like 6th grade. Ended up raising the money a buying them myself c:

But I mean hell, I'm 17, what can my parents really tell me? I'm at that age where I need to start making my own desicions and do what makes me happy. And if dying my hair multiple time, wanting to be covered in tattoos and a few more piercings. That's my own desicion and honestly my life. I've told my mother, if she can't accept it, then there's the door. Because I have zero torlence for dictation when I'm not in middle school(no offense).

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Well my mum actually likes what i wear, she told me herself that if she was slimmer and younger, she would be wearing the style like i do. I mean she encourages it a lot, whenever she goes shopping she comes back and always has a new piece of clothing for me aha. I mean, my 'style' is varied, i wear whatever i like really. So i dont know if its acceptable for 'your style' but yeah, deal xD

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Dying my hair blue and my mom calling me a smurff >.< My dad said he doesn't care what I do with my hair anymore he gave up on me. Hahaa sucker!! Yay he doesn't really care anymore. I have a shirt with a bird being stabbed by a knife(adtr) when I got it my mom said and I quote!! "That's really cool!" yeah I'm not related to normal people ^-^ and my mom totally supports my obsession with batman, bunnies, anime, and supernatural(the series) I mean come on! That shows awesome! Yeah my moms the cool parent she's always commenting how "I'm weird" or "I'm not normal" and I always tell her I get it from her;)

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My dad doesn't really care since he's rarely at home but mom hates everything 'bout the style. Well I didn't expect anything else from her, she's never approved anything about me. lol When I changed my style a year ago, she asked if I had hit my head or something. x.x And she doesn't let me dye my hair, make piercings or tattoos. >.<

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meh...I haven't seen my father in 8 years; so he knows nothing about me at the moment. My mother keeps calling me a "Goth" and saying that the stuff i like is gross; but she still gives me the money to buy my stuff, so its whatever. Then again, i don't live with my mother either. I live with my aunt and grandparents. My aunt absolutely hates it, and she threatens to throw all of my clothing away. My grandmother thinks it's gross and scary, and my grandfather doesn't care. My other aunt and two cousins are the worst, because they constantly put me down for it. They say a freak of nature, that I'm ugly, crazy, etc. The words hurt, but I'm trying to learn how to deal with it. This is me, and i refuse to change for anyone.

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