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Normal? Do you WANT to be normal?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Normality is so overrated. I'm a freak, geek, weirdo, crazy and a psycho, but i know i wont be fake ever. So what if im not normal im epic and aesome and smart and using the word and too many times. i embrace myself and my epic weirdness. I even have a song for it.


I'm a freak and i knoow it.

I'm a freak and i knoow it.

I'm a freak and i knoow it.


And also


If you're crazy and you know it clap your hands.

If you're crazy and you know it clap your hands.

If you're crazy and you know then this song will really show it.

If you're crazy and you know it clap your hands.



Normality is dull.

I am epic. Nuff said.post-15741-0-96010700-1341116166_thumb.png

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  • 1 month later...
Guest My Bloody Valentine

Oh your all waiting to get abused arn't you. Lol, some people on here disgust me. How you call 'normal people' dreadful names. Idiots, fags, stupid, bullies. I honestly don't understand. Some of you sit here, gathering your so call emo buddies shouting along 'OMG GUYS, BE URSELF. BE EMO' oh shut the fuck up for Christ sakes. Nobody is normal, your all practically saying 'Hey, if your not emo. Your a normal fag.' You supposedly hate getting labelled, you hate getting called names, you has being bullied. No wonder you receive this abuse when you most likely send it! Lol, your not unique. Some of you are small minded, selfish bastards. Who need to grow a pair of balls. Hey. I'm not emo. IM hipster, guys. It's too fucking mainstream to be emo. Your the only normal people i see here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand the question.... but i'm pleased that I found my Bohemian identity NORMALLY and all on my own. Everyone eles only found thier identity on the internet after they decided they wanted a hairstyle like that scene queen in the photos... or the piercings and the hello kitty dolls like that other scene in the photos. They decided to say things like RAWR and SKITTLEZ in every other sentence and took cell phone pictures through a mirror because that was the scene thing to do, and decided thats thier REAL identity they pasted who they are from what they saw site models doing.... They didn't know who they where until they where old enough to scan the internet by themselves or atleast listening to the music the rest of the world was already listening to.


Well if thats normal then I rather be unconventional and keep to staying in touch with my Anthropology and Cherokee roots instead. A cultural identity is better than an indentity you took just cause you wanted someone else's make up style and hair extentions.

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Normal can anyone really give me the deffinition to normal. nobody is normal if they were then we would all look the same.Normal is just a word people that don't understand who or what we are use to make us feel worse about ourselves but it doesn't really work. I'm not normal, I'm not a freak, I don't have a label the only label I have is the one they gave me when I legally got my name changed and that label is Lycrisa Fury Storm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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