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Why am I queit? 

Bc Im sad 

I've been through mostly bad... 

I walk with my head down 

I wear a frown... 

I try hiding this side... 

No longer filled with pride... 

I'm starting to fade

Into darkness 

Broken and heartless.. 

I'm just a fucking mess..

No one knows what's wrong 

I've been trough this for so long 

I try to talk about it 

But I lose it... 

My throat clenched... 

Tears filling my eyes 

I start to cry... 

I don't want it to show 

I dont want you to know.. 

The pain is just to strong 

I can no longer hold on.. 

Fake smiles or none at all... 

I feel so fucking small... 

I run from my fears 

And worry about the things near.. 

It's harder to focus for a while 

As I try to put on a smile.. 

I have no ones shoulder to cry on 

All my happiness is gone. 

I cry and start feeling sick 

It feels like in my heart there's a sharp stick.. 

How long will this go on? 

I can't stay strong. 

I'm way to weak

I dont want to speak.. 

I look in the mirror 

The tears coming nearer.. 

My eyes all red 

The sadness I dread.. 

The tears stream down my face 

As I lose my place.. 

Why am I crying? 

I feel like dieing. 

What's wrong with me 

Happiness is what I can't see.. 

I used to be happy and energetic 

Now I'm just pathetic... 

I used to be crazy and wound 

But then I start falling to the ground.. 

Depression I found.. 

Now I'm dark 

Stuck here with no heart... 

Quiet and alone 

No one to pull me home.. 

I'm so much different you see 

This isn't the real me.. 

Calling me names Bc I'm mean 

You haven't seen... 

You don't know I'm depressed 

I'm just a big mess... 

I try not to show 

No one can know... 

But the pain is pouring out 

I want to scream and shout 

This isn't what I'm all about. 

The pain inside 

The tears I cry... 

As I slowly die... 

You'd still never know... 

Why this side of me starts to show. 

Distractions only last so long 

Soon I'll be gone...

I hold it in a day 

And cry when people go away...

Fine one minute 

Gone the next 

I'm an emotional wreck

Nothing but a mess... 

Why do we love the people that cause us pain..

It drives me insane... 

I'll do whatever it takes 

To be the mistake 

You can't live without... 

You know my name 

Not my story 

You know what I've done

Not what I've been through.

Happiness straight from the bottle 

When real life's to hard to swallow.

You left me here 

Like a chalkoutline 

On the sidewalk 

Waitin for the rain 

To wash away...

Loving the ones I Miss 

That made me feel like shit 

The way you made me feel 

The pain never heals

You go through my mind 

All the time 

I hope you come back 

But in my heart there's a big long crack.. 

Al these dreams washed away 

Happiness doesn't stay...

Tears stream down my face 

Ive lost my place

Lieing here in darkness 

Broken and heartless

Alone and lost.. 

My chance is in the past 

Nothing good ever lasts...

Walking with my head down 

Music is the only sound... 

I'm not in the mood 

I'm covered in wounds.. 

I don't want to talk just go away 

I'm really not okay..

You see the look in my eyes

The tears I cry.. 

Ask me what's wrong 

You'd never understand 

I'm stuck 

Sinking in this sand...

Someone give me a hand and help me move.. 

Happiness is what I lose.. 

Falling and hitting the floor 

I have nothing more... 

Words fall music speaks...

I'm way to weak... 

Someone help me back on my feet.. 

Bit by bit things start to fall apart

What once is my heart is crushed 

And this pain is sharp.. 

Sometimes I don't even know what's wrong 

I've been hiding it in all along. 

Cry for no reason 

Alone through the seasons...

I need help 

But no one hears my yelp... 

These crazy thoughts go through my mind.. 

Happiness is something I can't find. 

Words unsaid 

That familiar pound In my head 

There's no light 

I'm filled with fright...

All these thoughts day and might 

I've lost the fight 

Done holding on 

Everything is gone... 






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